Schuylkill court news
Credit card woes
Credit companies and banks have filed civil actions against people who are allegedly in arrearages of paying on their credit cards.Cach, LLC, of Denver, Colo., filed suit against Adam J. Giranda, 15 Market St., Kelayres, seeking $14,388.21; against Eric J. Orach, 227 W. Broad St., Tamaqua, seeking $10,883.66; and against Robert Moyer Jr., 790 Green Mountain Road, Zion Grove, North Union Township, seeking $3,011.96. The company also seeks penalties and costs.Arrow Financial Services, LCC, Niles, Ill., filed suit against Joseph C. Michaels, Barnesville, Rush Township, seeking $2,580.09. Discovery Bank, New Albany, Ohio, filed suit against Lisa M. Bartasavage, 216 Cold Spring Road, Andreas, West Penn Township, seeking $15,586.905; and HSBC Bank, Nevada, Las Vegas, Nev., filed suit against Patricia A. Ervin, 209 South Kennedy Drive, McAdoo, seeking $3,636.76.Mortgage defaultM&T Bank, Williamsville, N.Y., filed an action against Earl A. and Lisa Ohl alleging they defaulted on mortgage payments and seek foreclosure on property at 342 Clark St., Tamaqua. The bank alleged it is owed $76,782.34 plus interest and costs.Bail hearingsMatthew T. Edmonds, 21, of 248 E. Patterson St., Lansford, had his bail reduced by Judge John E. Domalakes to $35,000 unsecured with stipulation he must maintain his residency at the Lansford address and must inform his probation officer of any change of address. He faces drug charges.Robert L. Cranem, 36, Schuylkill Haven, had his bail reduced by Domalakes to $1,000 unsecured and he must reside at 79 N. Berne Street in Schuylkill Haven, refrain from all illegal activity and continue with his employment.Lafayette Johnson, 59, Pottsville, was denied reduction of his bail by Domalakes who continued it at $25,000 percentage cash bail.Luis Guadalupe, 23, Schuylkill Haven, was found by Domalakes to have violated his bail and it was revoked and a bench warrant was issued for his arrest.Van Vesay, 24, Minersville, had his bail reduced by Domalakes from $25,000 percentage cash bail to $10,000 percentage cash bail with stipulations he must reside at 425 Lyttle Street, Minersville; no change of address without notifyng his probation officer, both he and his father shall not consume or possess alcohol beverages or illegal substances, he must obtain employment and must abide by a 11 p.m. curfew. He faces robbery charge.David M. Dower, 24, Shenandoah, had his bail reduced by Domalakes from $25,000 percentage cash bail to $25,000 unsecured and must reside at 22 S. Gilbert St., Shenandoah, obtain employment in 30 days and attend marriage counseling. He faces a simple assault charge.Matthew P. Casey, 47, Schuylkill Haven, who was brought into court on a bench warrant was remanded to the county prison by Domalakes to await a hearing on revocation of his probation.File for divorceJohn Craig Foster filed suit for divorce from Natasha Foster, both of 240 Brown St., Tamaqua. They were marreid July 13, 2004.Stanley A. Stine, 416 N. Keim St., New Ringgold, filed for divorce from Susan E. Stine, 415 E. Elm St., Tamaqua. They were married Nov. 24, 1997.Kathy J. Tracy, 7920 63rd St., NW, Stanley, N.D., started a divorce action against Michael J. Tracy, 972 West Penn Pike, Tamaqua. They were married April 20, 1985.Revoke probationClint Allen Geist, 27, Shamokin, had his probation revoked by President Judge William E. Baldwiin and was re-sentenced to serve 12 to 36 months in a state correctional institution. He received credit for 57 days spent in prison. Geist was placed on probation for 36 months on May 22, 2008, after he entered a gullty plea to attempting to pass a forged doctor's prescription at a drug store in Ashland to obtain additional drugs. He was charged with altering the writing of another.Medhat Sobhi Ammar, 19, Danville, had his probation revoked by Judge Cyrus Palmer Dolbin and he was re-sentenced to serve four to 23 months in the county prison on charges of simple assault. He asked for a lessor sentence as he planned to enroll in another school. Ammar pleaded guilty to assaulting a student at the Schuylkill Campus of Penn State University and received a sentence of 23 months on probation. "You received one break," Dolbin told him in denying his request. "The victim had suffered a broken nose. You are not a candidate for a second break" the judge ruled. Ammar still owes restitution of $10,877.95.Eagle RockEagle Rock Resorts Company, Hazleton, recorded deed transactions in the courthouse on lots located in its subdivisions in East Union and North Union townships. Transactions were to the following:Marcial D. and Arceli V. Capio, Shirley, N.Y., 1/50th undivided interest in two lots in EA Subdivision, Eagle Rock Resorts, North Union Township, $10 and other compensation (full compensation $24,909 each).Mieralyn C. Andaloc and Yvonne F. Selguerra, of Mriamar, Fla., lot in WS Subdivision, Eagle Rock Resorts, East Union Township, $10 and other consideration (full consideration $21,900).Maryann Furino, Bayside, N.Y., lot in WS Subdivision, Eagle Rock Resorts, East Union Township, $10 and other consideration (full consideration $35,900).Mary I. Vallar and Franz J. Carballo, North Wales, Montgomery County, 1/50th undivided interest in lot in EA Subdivision, Eagle Rock Resorts, North Union Township, $10 and other consideration (full consideration $29,900).Mary H, Duller and Jose Alberto L Duller, Ozone Park, N.Y., 1/50th undivided interest in lot in EA Subdivision, Eagle Rock Resorts, North Union Township, $10 and other consideration (full consideration $29,900).Venita Simon, Capitol Heights, Md., 1/50th individed interest in lot in EA Subdivision, Eagle Rock Resorts, North Union Township, $10 and other consideration (full consideration $24,900).Allan Murfel, Millsboro, Del., 1/50th undivided interest in lot in EA Subdivision, North Union Township, $10 and other consideration (full consideration $25,900).