Published February 15. 2020 06:56AM
“Would you rather have a snow day or an extra day of summer vacation, and why?”
Cassidy SodenI’d say an extra day of summer vacation. In the summer it’s warmer and you can do a lot more things outdoors, or just in general.
Michael StrikaI’d rather have an extra day of summer vacation because summer’s when you can hang out with your friends, spend time with your family in warmer weather. If you have an extra day of summer, you have more time to do that.
Stephen YuhasSnow day. I would rather have it now because in the summer there’s more things to do. There’s not really anything to do in the winter. You can just stay home and do nothing.
Kaiya TurekSummer vacation. More vacation time, and you can hang out with your friends a lot.
Max PfeiferA snow day. Because at the end of the year it’s hot out, most of the teachers are not, so we’re not learning as much toward the end of the year.