Published April 22. 2010 05:00PM
The Calvary Evangelical United Methodist (CEUM) Church located on the corners of Catawissa and Valley Streets in the Lewistown Valley, Tamaqua, held a free multiple church community musical event called Up From The Grave this past Sunday.
The entire church was packed to capacity. Various members and performers from other churches performed during the event.Some of these churches involved Lewistown Valley Zion's Church, St Peters Church in Mantzville, Trinity Church in Tamaqua, McKeansburg Church, Menanite Chapel from Palo Alto, and a few others from Mahoning Valley, Schuylkill Haven, and Ashland.The event, which consisted of soloists, duos, musicians, and choral performances, was organized by director Jane Heisler from Tamaqua. Pastor Brian Reading, from the CEUM Church, stated that Jane solidifies a lot of our church events and has done this for about 40 years."Friends of Heisler also stressed that Jane still chose to be director despite having recent health problems. Heisler, who is struggling with cancer, asked everyone to pray for her and the continued growth of the church at the end of the performance.Pastor Reading also performed a solo of "Remember Me" during the event.
ANDREW LEIBENGUTH/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS Pictured are Calvary Evangelical United Methodist Church Pastor Brian Reading and community event director and 40 year volunteer Jane Heisler.