Carbon County property transfers
Deeds recorded
Penn Forest TownshipNorman P. Otis to Karan C. Mazzoni, 82 Drakes Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 82 Drakes Drive, $215,000.Dora Martino to Alfonso Martino, Tinton Falls, N.J., Lot 11, Penn Forest Acres, $1.Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation to Joseph E. Swerk, Newtown, Pa., Towamensing Trails Lot 62, Section VI, $128,360.58.Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation to Marc Keitel, Manorville, N.Y., property at 30 Katu Trail, Albrightsville, $23,000.William Hall to Joseph F. Forziati, Haddon Township, N.J., Lot 619, Section K-III, Indian Mountain Lakes, $75,000.Eve Slap to Brian T. Demild, Douglassville, Pa., property at 212 Chapman Circle, Albrightsville, $167,500.Robert W. Weir Jr. to Robert W. Weir Jr., 54 Black Oak Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 54 Black Oak Drive, $1.George W. Jones Jr. to Brian C. Miller, Blue Bell, Pa., property at 528 Towamensing Trails, Albrightsville, $187,000.Alfred F. Kaiser to Kathleen Quigley, Chalfont, Pa., property at 4 Foothill Road, Albrightsville, $87,000.Richard P. Kaminski to Richard P. Kaminski, 11 Patten Circle, Albrightsville, property at 11 Patten Circle, $1.Bank of America, N.A., to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Oklahoma City, Okla., property at 86 Algonquin Road, $1.Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to Penny Thomson, Lansdale, Pa., property at 797 Keats Lane, a/k/a 85 Keats Lane, Albrightsville, $52,200.James Fullan to Carl E. Fricke, Bensalem, Pa., property at 17 Wilde Glen, Albrightsville, $109,000.John A. Bukics to John A. Bukics, 61 Dogwood Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 61 Dogwood Drive, $1.George Aprea to Barry W. Van Rensler, Glen Mills, Pa., Lot 191B, Pleasant Valley West, $8,000.Francis E. Clemens to Joseph Sawim, Lansdale, Pa., property at 62 Piney Woods Drive, $185,000.Revenue from deedsCarbon County Recorder of Deeds Emmett P. McCall reported his office recorded 225 deeds, 256 mortgages and 454 other writs during the month of May.As a result of those transactions, McCall turned over to the Carbon County General Fund the sum of $33,793.43. A breakdown of that revenue includes: transfer fees, $27,675; data processing fees, $2,210.53; notaries, $110 commission on transfers and writs, $2,538.80; and Affordable Housing administrative fee, $1,259.10.McCall remitted $467.50 in state writ taxes to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Revenue, while Carbon County municipalities and school districts shared realty transfer tax disbursements totaling $124.704.80, the same amount that was forwarded to the state in realty transfer taxes.McCall deposited $2,784 in the Recorder of Deeds Record Improvement Fund and $1,856 in the Carbon County Records Improvement Fund, these being fees assessed by state law on each transaction for records management needs. An additional $19,559 was collected and remitted to the state for its Judicial Computer System program.Also, $7,134.90x was collected last month for the Affordable Housing Program in Carbon County.In all, funds collected in the Recorder's office last month amounted to $315,044.43.