Carbon County Court news
Mortgage foreclosure
complaints are filedMauch Chunk Trust Company has filed a mortgage foreclosure complaint against Charles Burke, 1460 Laurel Lane, Palmerton, and Lori Burke, 295 Harvard Ave., Palmerton, over a property at the Laurel Lane address, which is partly in Franklin Township and partly in Towamensing Township.The plaintiff is seeking judgment in the amount of $14,837.06, plus interest, costs and attorney's fees.Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Fort Mill, South Carolina, has filed a mortgage foreclosure complaint against Andrew D. Versuk Sr. and Jennifer L. Versuk, 2076 Long Run Road, Lehighton, over a property at that address.The plaintiff is seeking judgment in the amount of $71,965.45, plus interest, costs and attorney's fees.Wells Fargo also filed an action against Brian Da Costa, 332 Alum St., Lehighton, over that property. Sought is $88,159.04 and continuing interest.The Bank of America, N.A., BAC Home Loans Servicing, L.P., and Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, L.P., of Simi Valley, California, has filed a mortgage foreclosure complaint against Tyson A. Nalesnik and Mallory R. Kruslicky, 93 Main Road, Lehighton, over a property at that address.The plaintiff is seeking judgment in the amount of $78,051.06, plus interest, costs and attorney's fees.Green Tree Servicing, c/o 345 St. Peter St., St. Paul, Minnesota, filed an action against David R. Heaton, 639 E. Patterson St., Lansford, over that property. Sought is $59,382.07 and continuing interest.Debt collection actionCavalry SPV 1, LLC, as assignee of HSBC Bank Nevada, N.A./Capital One Bank,
U.S.A., N.A., Valhalla, New York, has filed a debt collection complaint against Lewis E. Ginder, 111 Alum St., Lehighton.The plaintiff alleges the defendant is in default of a contract in which an unpaid credit card balance is sought.Judgment in the amount of $2,114.76, plus costs, is sought.Discover Bank, New Castle, Del., filed an action over a credit card account against Helen E. Stahler, 2535 Mahoning Drive East, Lehighton, alleging she owes $3,301.84 on her account.Loan defaultNational Collegiate Student Loan Trust, 5100 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard, Norcoss, Georgia, filed an action against Robyn and David Quinn, 340 Bear Creek Lake Drive, Jim Thorpe, alleging they defaulted on a loan account. Sought is $43,786.81 plus interest, costs, and fees.Prothonotary's reportA total of 236 cases were started in December in the office of Carbon County Prothonotary Joann M. Behrens, according to a monthly statistical report released by the officeholder. A breakdown of the cases is as follows:Assessment appeals, 5; civil actions, 28; custody complaints, 9; district justice appeals, 2; divorce complaints, 12; complaints in ejectment, 4; license appeals, 3; complaint in partition, 1; mortgage foreclosure complaints, 34; protection from abuse petitions, 34; quiet title actions, 7; court appointment, 1; judgments, 90; miscellaneous cases, 4; and stipulations/waivers of liens, 2. The office staff also received and processed 57 applications for U.S. Passports.Behrens' financial report shows $29,218.97 was generated last month as follows: prothonotary's fees, $25,092.74; interest income $4.90; custody fee; $250; data processing fees, $3,796.33; PFA Surcharge, courts, $25; and PFA surcharge, Sheriff; $50. The prothonotary also remitted $4,800 in Remote Access Fees to the county and $4,506.22 to the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Revenue, representing state fees collected locally, and $48 to the Administrative Offices of the Pennsylvania Courts, this being surcharges on new custody cases in accordance with Act 119 of 1996. Another $925.70 was deposited in the Prothonotary's Automation Fund for future use in automating the office.