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Monroe County Council of the Blind announces scholarship and essay contest

The Monroe County Council of the Blind has announced the MCCB Roland Featherman Scholarship & Essay Contest, to be held in honor of Roland Featherman, a member of MCCB, an active member of the community and a passionate supporter for education who dedicated his life to public service.

In his memory, MCCB will award four $250 scholarships to Monroe County high school seniors, attending any high school in Monroe County.Contestants must submit a 500-word essay on the topic which has been chosen to help stimulate awareness of issues related to blindness.Students interested in submitting an essay should consult their respective guidance counselor's office or visit the Essay Scholarship page on the organization's Web site,

www.mccbonline.org/ for all the details.MCCB strongly believes in positively impacting the community.By supporting the youth and working to improve their understanding of blindness and people with disabilities, it strives to make Monroe County a welcoming place for all.The Monroe County Council of the Blind is a non profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to promoting independence, creating social and economic opportunities and enhancing the images of people who are blind or visually impaired.MCCB welcomes all who are interested in helping the organization meet its goals.To find out how to get involved call (570) 421-4118.