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Tamaqua news

Sorority news

Members of the Preceptor Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority met Jan. 6 at the home of Mary Machay. Lori Schmerfeld presented a program entitled "Life Lessons for the New Year."Topics discussed included a visit to the St. Luke's Miners Memorial Geriatric Center on Feb. 17 to celebrate Valentine's Day; a pre-teen dance; and a clothing drive. Proceeds from any fundraisers benefit the chapter's service projects, such as scholarships and the annual Community Easter Egg Hunt.The next regular meeting will be held Jan. 20, at 7 p.m., at the Beacon Diner, Hometown. Other upcoming activities include a Secret Sister Valentine celebration, Feb. 3 at Romano's Restaurant, Snyders. Cocktail hour will begin at 6 p.m. with dinner at 6:30 p.m.Senior newsThe Tamaqua Senior Citizens group meets every Thursday, at 1 p.m., at the Tamaqua Community Center, located to the rear of Boyer's Food Mart.Last week's meeting was attended by 64 members. President Jean Machamer conducted the business session. Eleanor Roberts offered the invocation, entitled "What God Has Made."The meeting included installation of officers for 2010-2011: Jean Machamer, president; Doris Brobst, vice president; Eleanor Schmerfeld, secretary; and Dolores Walck, treasurer. Lillian Tomsho served as installation officer.Vice President Doris Roberts reported that Nellie Wenzel is a patient in St. Luke's Miners Memorial Hospital, Coaldale. Mame Dietrich, Mary Herbig and Gayle Wall were added to the sick list. A card was received from Senie Horan, who currently resides at the Hometown Nursing Center. Birthday greetings were offered to Jayne Myers of Tamaqua.Reports were offered by secretary Eleanor Schmerfeld and treasurer Dolores Walck. Readings were offered by Jean Machamer. The guest speaker was a representative of Independent Living Services.Anyone 55 or older is welcome to join. The meeting room is handicap accessible.Bethany ECThe Rev. Kevin Roberts will officiate at the 10:30 a.m. worship service this Sunday in Bethany Evangelical Congregational Church. Nursery care is available. Sunday school classes will meet at 9:30 a.m.Also on Sunday, TYM staff will met at 11:45 a.m. and a service will be held at 2:30 p.m. at the Hometown Nursing Center.Activities for next week include: Tuesday, Prayer Time at 8:30 a.m.; Wednesday, Tamaqua Youth Ministry at 6:30 p.m., adult Bible study at 6:30 p.m.St. Peter'sThe Rev. Rodney Wells will officiate at the 9 a.m. worship service this Sunday in St. Peter's Union Church, Mantzville. Sunday school classes will meet at 10:15 a.m.Also on Sunday, the church board will meet at 10:45 a.m., the Confirmation Class will meet at 1 p.m. and the Daisy Girl Scouts will hold an investiture at 5:30 p.m.Activities for next week will include: Tuesday, Women's Association of St. Peter's meeting at 7:30 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer group meets at 5 p.m., Brownies meet at 6:30 p.m.The choirs rehearse on Thursday. Next week's schedule will include: Cherubs at 6:30 p.m.; Junior Choir at 7 p.m. and Senior Choir at 7:45 p.m.Tamaqua Class of 1955The Tamaqua High School Class of 1955 will hold a planning meeting on Sunday, Jan. 17 at 2 p.m. at the home of Mary Bridygham, 1330 Valley Rd., Tamaqua, to make plans for their 55th class reunion. All class members are invited to attend.