Forty-three area residents among 125 arraigned on criminal counts
Forty-three area residents were among 125 who were arraigned Monday at the Schuylkill County courthouse before District Attorney Karen Byrnes Noon on criminal charges and all entered pleas of not guilty and requested jury trials.
Ronald William Musselman, 29, of 416 E. Union St., Apt. 2, Tamaqua, charged by Rush Township police, with criminal trespass by breaking into the Hometown Diner, criminal trespass by remaining in the diner, theft of cash, receiving stolen property, and driving without a license. He also was charged by Tamaqua police with theft at 209 Clay St.Crystal Conahan, 39, of 98 Walnut St., White Haven, formerly of Coaldale, charged by Rush police, with with two counts of possession of a controlled substance (CS), and one count of possession of drug paraphernalia on the camp grounds of Tuscarora Park.Domingo J. Cepada, 23, of 231 Fisher Avenue, Apt. 2, Coaldale, charged by Tamaqua police with delivery of a CS, possession with intent to deliver, criminal use of cell phone, and possession after a sale of five baggies of heroin to a confidential informant.Edward Eugene Whitehead, 28, of 54 Andreas Road, Andreas, West Penn Township, charged by Coaldale police with driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol and drugs when stopped on Bull Run Road; and a summary charge of failing to drive on roadway laned for traffic.Derek Marcus Krapf, 25, of MaryD, Schuylkill Township, charged by Tamaqua police with possession of a CS, and drug paraphernalia, and driving while his driving privileges were suspended when cited in a parking lot of a supermarket and possessing heroin.Francine Patrick Brestowski, 40, Sheppton, East Union Township, charged by Trooper Joseph Aponick with DUI of alcohol, and resisting arrest when stopped on SR4033 in Norwegian Township.Richard John Padora, 28, of 2 E. Railroad St., Nesquehoning, charged by Trooper Melissa Kyper with DUI of alcohol, three counts of recklessly endangering another person, duty of a driver to drive safely in a construction corridor (knocked over several roadway barriers on Interstate 81 in Ryan Township), failed to obey traffic signals, failed to drive on roadway laned for traffic, careless driving, and limitation on backing onto the highway.Richard H. Melicharek, 51, of 214 Pine St., Apt. 3, Tamaqua, charged by Tamaqua police with paying rent with a bad check, access credit card fraud, forgery, theft by making a number of purchases with the credit card, and receiving stolen property.Donna E. Shistel, 60. of 91 Orchard Road,. Barnesville, charged by Rush police, with DUI and endangering welfare of a child when stopped near Lakeside laundromat.Diane Michelle Robert, 41, of 208 E. High St., Coaldale, charged by Rush police, with DUI of alcohol, endangering the welfare of a child, and driving while operating privileges were suspended when stopped on Claremont Avenue.John R. Blashock, 41, of 1335 S. Church St., Hazleton, charged by McAdoo police, with DUI of alcohol, driving while operating privileges were suspended, and failing to obey a traffic signal when stopped at intersection of Kennedy Drive and Blaine sts.Kenneth Robert Shankweiler, 51, of 9 State Road, Barnesville, charged by Rush police, with DUI of alcohol, and failing to driving on roadway laned for traffic when stopped on Tuscarora Park Road.Carly E. Niedert, 21, of 11 Great Oaks Drive, Lake Hauto Development, Rush Township, charged by Trooper Joseph Aponick with DUI of alcohol, and violating a stop sign at the intersection of Green and Penn sts. in Tamaqua.Jamie L. Bauder, 29, of 401 Winter Mountain Road, Andreas, West Penn Township, formerly of Lansford, charged by Coaldale police with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct by using obscene language, and harassment.Megan Hill, of 44 Ruddle St., Coaldale, formerly of Tamaqua, charged by Tamaqua police with retail theft of numerous items from Family Dollar Store.Travis Stephen Hill, 20, of 63 Bowe St., Tamaqua, charged by Tamaqua police with possession of drug paraphernalia when cited on Washington St.Jennifer Lynn Giranda, 38, of 51 Bridge St., McAdoo, charged by McAdoo police with DUI of alcohol, exceeding the maximum speed limit, failing to show a driver's license, falling to have a signed registration certificate, careless driving, and failing to drive at a safe speed when stopped on S. Kennedy Drive.Christine Seip, 45, of 625 Saint John St., Nesquehoning, charged by Tamaqua police with retail theft from Family Dollar Store.Justin E. McArdle, 25, of 426 Arlington St., Tamaqua, charged by Coaldale police with DUI of drugs, involved in accident snapping a utility pole in half with his pickup truck in front of the Coaldale fire house, and failing to stop and give information to authorities.Jesse Andrew Walker, 32, of 2 W. Kline Avenue, Lansford, formerly of Lehighton, charged by Trooper Melissa Kyper with giving a false statement on the application to purchase a firearm from Ed's Sports Shop, Tamaqua.James L. Albaugh, 38, of 11 Saint Ann St., Barnesville, charged by Tamaqua police with DUI of alcohol, and careless driving when stopped on Cedar St.Brittany Nicole Wolf, 23, of 630 W. Fifth St., Hazleton, charged by McAdoo police with DUI of alcohol, driving while operating privileges were suspended, and illegally crossing a road when when cited on E. Grant St.Cara Lynn Eroh, of 18 Hilltop Road, Barnesville, formerly of Tamaqua, charged by Tamaqua police with DUI of alcohol, and careless driving when stopped on Hometown Hill.Sabrina Lawson, 35, of 171 Hazel St,, Delano, Delano Township, charged by Saint Clair police with retail theft of clothing and household items with total value of $90 from Walmart Store.John Edward Correll, 51, of 19 Macomb St., New Philadelphia, charged by Trooper Mark W. Knock with DUI of alcohol, failing to drive on right side of roadway, failing to drive on roadway laned for traffic, failing to drive at safe speed, careless driving and failing to wear seat belt when stopped on SR209 in Blythe Township.Steven Reed, 45, of 275 Valley St., New Philadelphia, charged by Reading and Northern Railroad police with criminal attempt to commit theft, vandalizing railroad property, possession of drug paraphernalia, Kyle Robert Marx, 24, of 141 Coal St., Cumbola, Blythe Township, charged by Trooper John B. Carr with fleeing police, DUI of alcohol, recklessly endangering another person, operating a vehicle after registration expired, two counts of failing to drive on roadway laned for traffic, failing to drive at safe speed, careless driving, reckless driving, failing to wear seat belt, 11 counts of failing to activate turning signals when required, and 16 counts of stop sign violations on numerous roadways between Saint Clair and Blythe Township.Theodore Cletus Black, 45, of 100 Dorset Road, New Ringgold, charged by West Penn Township police with aggravated and simple assault, and harassment of Bonnie Steinmbrunn, 100 Dorset Road, and disorderly conduct by engaging in fighting.Jennifer Houser, 24, of 133 S. Hancock St., McAdoo, charged by McAdoo police, with DUI of alcohol, stop sign violation, failing to activate turning signal when required, having defective headlamps on vehicle, and careless driving when stopped on S. Hancock St.Stephen Walter Simchak, 56, of 167 Lake Drive, Lake Hauto, Rush Township, charged by Rush police with DUI of alcohol, failing to yield to approaching emergency vehicle, failing to drive on roadway laned for traffic, and failing to activate turning signal when required when stopped on Lake Drive.Michael Jay Brodie, 28, of 231 W. Sherman St., Apt. 3, McAdoo, charged by McAdoo police with two counts of terroristic threats, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct by making unreasonable noise, public drunkenness, and harassment of police officers when accosted on S. Hancock St.James Wilson Freiling, 30, of 323 W. Broad St., Apt. 4, Tamaqua, charged by Coaldale police with DUI of alcohol, and failing to drive on roadway laned for traffic when stopped on Eighth St.Zachary David Pisanchyn , 20, of 171 Sunny Drive, MaryD, Schuylkill Township, charged by Rush police with DUI of alcohol and drugs as a minor, and failing to drive at a safe speed when stopped near the White Birch Golf Course in Barnesville.Pablo Almodovar, 46, of 1010 3A Elm St., Easton, charged by Tamaqua police with terroristic threats by enlisting members of Latina Kings Gang, N.Y., to kill a police officer.Shawn William Clemens, 35, of 6 Bolgash Lane, Tamaqua, charged by Tamaqua police with aggravated and simple assault on Thomas Carroll, 626 E. Broad St., disorderly conduct by engaging in fighting, and public drunkenness.Nathan Michael Zelinsky, 22, of 191 Owl Creek Road, Tamaqua, charged by Trooper Thomas Powell with DUI of alcohol, failing to drive on roadway laned for traffic, and failing to drive at safe speed when stopped on Reynolds Road in Walker Township.Cody Edward Pehala, 20, of 12 Wyndgate Blvd., Drums, Luzerne County, charged by Trooper Joseph Aponick with DUI of alcohol as a minor, underage drinking, tossing a beer can on the highway, when stopped on Interstate 81 in East Union Township.Isreal Quinones, 41, of 35 Main St., New Philadelphia, charged by New Philadelphia police with DUI of drugs, and failing to drive on roadway laned for traffic when stopped on Valley St.Monica Marie Brown, 23, of 14 W. Broad St., Apt. 2 , Tamaqua, charged by Tamaqua police with theft of credit card belonging to Brenda Bachert, 515 Arlington St., and receiving stolen property.Brian Thomas Boner, 51, of 1 W. Diaz Avenue, Nesquehoning, charged by Tamaqua police with DUI of alcohol, failing to drive on roadway laned for traffic, failing to have working rear lights, and failing to activate turn signal when required when stopped on N. Greenwood St.Calvin Charles Miller, 53, of 201 Hunter St., Tamaqua, charged by Tamaqua police with simple assault and harassment of Tia Wick, 201 Hunert St.Eric Joseph Burger, 27, of 43 Second St., Sugarload, Luzerne County, charged by Trooper Timothy Keating with simple assault and harassment of Kathryn Lynn Hartley, 108 Second St., Oneida, East Union Township.George Thomas Geissinger, 63, of 227 Hunter St., Tamaqua, charged by Tamaqua police with public nuisance.Out of areaHarrison L. Wolfe, 23, Freeland, charged by Trooper John McGeary with unauthorized use of a motorcycle owned by Marvin Medram, Nuremburg, which was stored at Axis Storage in Hazle Township.Craig Theodore Taylor, 23, Shenandoah, charged by Shenandoah police with DUI of drugs, possession of a small amount of marijuana and drug paraphernalia, driving while license suspended, and failing to carry car insurance.Anthony Gary Hedesh, 25, Frackville, charged by Trooper Thomas Powell with theft of cell phone belonging to Kimberly Anderson in the Thunder Road Bar, Shenandoah.Jennifer Richardson, 37, Shenandoah, charged by Shenandoah police with burglary of home of Charles Zebraitis, 112 E. Emerick St., and criminal trespass on property.Timothy Owen Loftus, 49, Pottsville, charged by Trooper Thomas Powell with operating a motor vehicle without required ignition interlock on wheel when stopped on SR61 in Ryan Township.Jason Shawn Layton, 34, Ringtown, charged by Trooper Joseph Aponick with DUI of alcohol and failing to drive on roadway laned for traffic when stopped on Brandonville Road in Union Township.Jacob J. Fetterolf, 24, Ashland, charged by Butler Township police with DUI of alcohol on Broad St.Edward A. Bickowski, 26, Girardville, charged by Ryan Township police with DUI of drugs, possession of a small amount of marijuana, and failing to carry car insurance when stopped on Oak Street, Barnesville.William Bernice Gray, 48, Frackville, charged by Frackville police with theft of scrap metal from, property owned by Adam Shimkas, 144 East Oak St.Gerald Patrick Roche, 50, Girardville, charged by Ashland police with habitual offender of motor vehicle code, involved in accident causing damage to an attended vehicle on Chestnut Street, driving while license suspended, reckless driving, careless driving, and failing to have a driver's license.Anthony Hedesh, 25, Frackville, charged by Frackville police with theft of scrap metal from Shimkus residence with William Gray.Mary Lauretta Hardy, 43, Shenandoah, charged by Pottsville police with theft of wallet belonging to Deborah Kuldus, Pottsville, lost at Union Bus Station.Eric Clintoin Brown, 31, Pottsville, charged by Pottsville police with three counts of endangering welfare of a child.Alicia Rae Bennett, 23, Kennett Square, charged by Trooper Michael S. Allar with two counts each of forging checks, criminal attempt to commit theft by deception, and receiving stolen property.Robert Dean Steffie Sr., 60, Auburn, charged by Pottsville police with DUI of alcohol and careless driving.Joan Marquez, 33, North Bergen, N.J., charged by McAdoo police with dui of alcohol on N. Kennedy Drive, failing to obey a traffic signal and careless driving.Janeen Marie Phelan, 30, Minersville, charged by Saint Clair police with criminal mischief to cell phone of Kyle Gronski.Joseph Girard Guzck, 23, Port Carbon, charged by Trooper David F. Beam with DUI of alcohol, careless driving, and operating a vehicle without an official inspection certificate.Laura Incole Hadder, 24, Shenandoah, charged by Saint Clair police with two counts of retail theft from Walmart Store, three counts each of retail theft from Walmart Store and criminal conspiracy.Chevonne Marie Martinson, 28, Shenandoah, charged by Saint Clair police with three counts each of retail theft from Walmart Store and criminal conspiracy.Kay Ann Jobrey, 48, Saint Clair, charged by Saint Clair Police with retail theft of coffee maker valued at $157.94 from Walmart store.James Joseph Trabosh, 59, Pottsville, charged by Palo Alto police with DUI of alcohol.Jessica Kathleen Davis, 20, Girardville, charged by Trooper Brian L. Walters with DUI of alcohol on W. Laffee Road in New Castle Township, driving while license suspended, and underage drinking.Ryan Michael Natale, 24, Pine Grove, charged by Schuylkill Haven police with simple assault and harassment of Kittie Schneck.Anique Julie Whitehurst, 31, Danville, charged by Trooper Thomas Hornung with DUI of alcohol, driving while license suspended, driving an unregistered vehicle, failing to carry car insurance, and careless driving on SR61 in North Manheim Township.Todd Michael Saunders, 39, Pottsville, charged by Trooper Thomas Hornung with DUI of drugs, and failing to drive on roadway laned for traffic on SR443 in Wayne Township.Tiffany A. Reinhart, 26, Hamburg, charged by Trooper Peter F. Mohn with DUI of alcohol, failing to drive on roadway laned for traffic, failing to drive at save speed, and careless driving in Deer Lake.Raymond Jordan, 20, Shenandoah, charged by Schuylkill County Drug Task Force with delivery of a CS, possession with intent to deliver a CS, and possession of a CS, on N. Bower St., Schuylkill Haven.Craig Theodore Taylor, 23, Shenandoah, charged by Shenandoah police with possession of a CS, and drug paraphernalia.Ramon Martinez Ruiz, 20, Shenandoah, charged by Shenandoah police with two counts of simple assault, recklessly endangering another person, and harassment of Noel Lopez. struck in the face with beer bottle.John M. Wronski, 26, Mahanoy City, charged by Mahanoy City police with DUI of alcohol.Scott Sargent, 28, Shenandoah, charged by Shenandoah police with being involved in accident with attended car, driving while license was suspended, failing to carry car insurance, careless driving, reckless driving, and driving a vehicle without an official inspection certificate.Basilio DeJesus, 45, Blue Mountain Heights, North Manheim Township, charged by Trooper David F. Beam with retail theft from Redner's Market.Clay Harrison Rinehart III, 23, Orwigsburg, charged by Trooper Mark W. Knock with DUI of alcohol on S. Liberty St., West Mahanoy Township; careless driving, and failing to have working headlights on car.Samantha Jo Fisher, 32, Auburn, charged by Trooper James C. Nestico with DUI of alcohol at Molino Junction in West Brunswick Township, failing to drive on roadway laned for traffic, and careless driving.Jeffrey Dargis, 40, Shenandoah, charged by Shenandoah police with criminal trespass on property at 112 N. Emerich St.Adam Gregory Ould, 22, Pottsville, charged by Trooper Matthew Barrett with DUI of alcohol on Burma Road in Ryan Township, failing to drive on roadway laned for traffic, and driving with an expired inspection certificate.Tristin Elizabeth Weyman, 30, Hegins, charged by Schuylkill County Drug Task Force with delivery of a CS, possession with intent to deliver, possession, and possession of drug paraphernalia on Oak Street, Frackville.Jeffrey Dargis, 40. Shenandoah, charged by West Mahanoy Township police with criminal conspiracy, theft of items valued at $10,000 taken from the Budget Storage Shed, Altamont Section, rented by Kyle Marcinowski, and receiving stolen property.Jacob Daniel Shuey, 21, Ashland, charged by Schuylkill County Drug Task Force of delivery of 80 baggies of marijuana, possession with intent to deliver, possession of drug paraphernalia, and drug paraphernalia.Alicia Patrice Carr, 25, Ashland, charged by Schuylkill County Drug Task Force with delivery of a CS, possession with intent to deliver, possession, and drug paraphernalia in Ashland.Jennifer Lynn Richardson, 37, Mount Carmel, charged by West Mahanoy Township police with criminal conspiracy, theft of property from Marcinowski's storage locker, and receiving stolen property.John Paul Caporusso, 27, Weston Place, West Mahanoy Township, charged by Trooper Arthur Wink with dui of alcohol on Interstate 81 in Butler Township, failing to drive on roadway laned for traffic, and failing to drive at safe speed.Mary Ann Sekela, Shenandoah, formerly of Lykens, charged by Butler Township police with DUI of alcohol on W. Main St. in Hubley Township.Sheldon James Caster, 28, Lykens, charged by Trooper Mark F. Baron with five counts of DUI of drugs, possession drug paraphernalia, and careless driving on Sweet Arrow Lake Road, in Pine Grove Township.Robert Leroy Snyder, 62, Millersburg, charged by Trooper Chad M. Smith with three counts of indecent assault on person under age 13, and one count of corruption of a minor in Tower City.Karl Kenneth Kimmel, 33, Schuylkill Haven, charged by Pine Grove police with endangering welfare of a child, simple assault, and harassment.Wyatt Straub, 20, Lykens, charged by Tower City police with two counts of robbery of property at 113 S. Fourth St., criminal conspiracy, simple assault, theft of $100 in cash, and harassment.Todd Dennis Dohner, 47, Pine Grove, charged by Pine Grove police with terroristic threats by telephone messages to Pine Grove Area School District if school buses are not re-painted from current yellow to red and white and if not re-routed to prevent children crossing the street after leaving the bus.Charles Raymond Frantz, 20, Mount Carmel, charged by Hegins Township police with criminal conspiracy, robbery by threat of bodily injury by brandishing knife to obtain drugs, delivery of a CS, possession, and retail theft.Kim Andrew Sweigard Sr., 57, Treverton, charged by Trooper Peter F. Mohn with terroristic threats, two counts of simple assault, recklessly endangering another person and harassment of Betty and Tim Sweigert, Tower City, and disorderly conduct.Valerie Underkoffler, 46, Pottsville, charged by Rush police, with DUI of alcohol on Claremont Avenue, driving while license suspended, and driving with defective rear light.Luis DeJesus, 40, inmate at state correctional facility in Ryan Township, charged by Trooper Scott Grochowski with aggravated and simple assault, and harassment of Laurence Carey, correctional officer.Patricia Ott, 21, Shenandoah, charged by Butler Township police with simple assault, and harassment of Jesse Burrows, Broad St.Cody David Petravich, 20, Pottsville, charged by Trooper Timothy J. Rymarkiewicz with theft from Boscov's Store, Fairlane Village Mall, Pottsville.Edward Frances Melusky III, 41, Minersville, charged by Minersville police with DUI of alcohol, failing to drive on roadway laned for traffic, and failing to activate turning signals when required.Raymond Carl Acker Sr., 54, Pottsville, charged by Saint Clair police with burglary of safe from 53 Front St., and theft of jewelry and gold and silver coins.Amanda Marie Mason, 23, Pottsville, charged by Trooper Michael J. Van Buskirk with DUI of alcohol on Tumbling Run Road in Blythe Township, failing to drive on roadway laned for traffic, failing to drive at safe speed, having open can of alcohol beverage in vehicle, and failing to wear seat belt.Corey Michael Vanetten, 35, Mahanoy City, charged by Minersville police with DUI of alcohol, and two counts of driving while license suspended.Michael Richard Harwick, 41, Minersville, formerly of Saint Clair, charged by Port Carbon police with passing bad check to Quality Discount Heating Oil Company.Cinthia Marie Shaffer, 27, Pottsville, charged by Port Carbon police with unauthorized use of credit card of Rosemary Connors, theft of $202.50, and receiving stolen property.Stephen S. Kubeika, 25, Saint Clair, charged by Saint Clair police with two counts each of indecent assault, open lewdness, and harassment; and one count of disorderly conduct.Joseph Jarrad Guzick, 23, Port Carbon, charged by Trooper James C. Nestico with criminal mischief, involved in accident with car of Joshua Lee Fletcher, following too closely and failing to stop and give information and render aid.Sean Thomas Cooper, 42, Minersville, charged by Minersville police with DUI of alcohol, failing to drive on roadway laned for traffic, and noisy exhaust system.Andrew Curtis Cecil, 20, Pottsville, charged by Trooper Michael V. Ryan with criminal conspiracy and retail theft from Boscov's Store, Fairlane Village Mall, Pottsville.Adora Ellice Ackerman, 41, Middleburg, charged by Minersville police with DUI of alcohol, and failing to obey traffic light.Joseph Anthony Berardi, 34, Saint Clair, charged by Trooper Chad M. Smith with two counts of robbery, three counts of forgery, unauthorized use of credit card of Maureen Adonis, unlawful restraint, receiving stolen property, theft of purse, simple assault, disorderly conduct, and failing to have driver's license.Jeremy Joseph Guida, 19, Pottsville, charged by Trooper Michael V. Ryan with retail theft from Boscov's Store, Pottsville.James L. O'Brien, 44, Minersville, charged by Minersville police with DUI of alcohol; and two counts of striking parked vehicles, and one count of careless driving.Heather Ann Pickering, 24, Ashland, charged by Trooper Michael Van Buskirk with escaping from Gaudenzia New Destiny, Butler Township, a half-way house.Cinthia Marie Shaffer, 27, Pottsville, charged by Trooper Michael J. Keating with retail theft from Kohl's Department Store, Fairlane Village Mall, Pottsville.Neil Patrick King, 23, Pottsville, charged by Trooper Caleb J. Huber with DUI of alcohol on Seltzer Road in Norwegian Township.Timothy Michael Reed, 36, Pottsville, charged by Saint Clair police with two counts each of burglary, criminal conspiracy, theft, receiving stolen property, and one count of criminal mischief to property.Dillon Michael Haller, Pottsville, charged by Pottsville police with prohibited use of an offensive weapon (switch blade knife).Connie Marie Kovach, Pottsville, charged by Trooper Stephen D. Kleeman with DUI of alcohol in Foster Township, failing to carry car insurance, careless driving, and driving with an expired inspection certificate.Jennifer Tess Kramer, Pottsville, charged by Pottsville police with possession of a CS.Shawn Ein Peck, Pottsville, charged by Pottsville police with theft of motorcycle belonging to James Tolan, receiving stolen property, and criminal conspiracy.John Joseph Cavanaugh Jr., Hegins, charged by Pottsville police with DUI of alcohol, driving while license suspended, failing to carry car insurance, driving an unregistered car, and reckless driving.Caitlin Marie Pellechio, Pottsville, theft and receiving stolen property from Dunkin Donut Shop.Jose Anton Diaz-Vasquez, 39, Mahanoy City, charged by Mahanoy City police with two counts of possession of a CS, and one count of possession of drug paraphernalia.Flora Elizabeth Ptaszkowski, 31, Shenandoah, charged by Shenandoah police with simple assault, disorderly conduct, and harassment.Travis Clyde Beam, 49, Shenandoah, charged by Shenandoah police with disorderly conduct.Kyle J. Schaeffer, 24, Mahanoy City, charged by Shenandoah police with four counts of simple assault, and two counts each of recklessly endangering another person and harassment of Cassandra Foresman.