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Those who owe sewer bills get a reprieve

Weissport residents who are overdo on their sewer bills got a reprieve from shut offs as bills were not available for review by members of Weissport Municipal Authority.

Members met Wednesday, but with the residential bills not available, the board focused on paying its own bills. The board approved paying the monthly fee of $1,351 toAccording to board solicitor Gregory Mousseau, Weissport sent approximately 2.6 percent of the total flow to Central Carbon Municipal Authority wastewater treatment plant for 2009. The borough residents' payments of $60 a month are used by the board to pay the borough's portion of the operations and maintenance of the plant and treatment costs and to upgrade and repair Weissport's system, which include the grinder pumps that are used by all Weissport residents. The board approved paying January's monthly fee of $1,351 to CCMA.Att. Mousseau also noted that this month's average increased to 2.9 percent of the total flow for treatment to CCMA wastewater treatment plant."I am wondering why the increase in January," said Mousseau.The board also authorized payment of $2,222 to renew the inland marine policy, the liability insurance policy for Weissport's sewer collection system.Tim Rehrig, chairman, noted that the board will pursue applying for grant money to replace flotation systems on grinder pumps which must be replaced because of wear.