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State residents urged to clear storm drains

HARRISBURG - With the threat of more snow followed by rain early next week, the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency is urging residents to clear storm drains to help prevent flooding.

"Our partners at the National Weather Service have warned us about the possibility of another winter storm next week," said PEMA Director Robert P. French. "We know that the snowpack can absorb a good bit of moisture if the storm brings rain, but depending on how much rain we get, we could be looking at flooding."French asked residents to make certain that storm drains in their neighborhood are free of snow and other debris. Many drains are still blocked following two major snowstorms.In addition, residents should clear snow away from fire hydrants to allow firefighters easy access if hydrants are needed.PEMA urges individuals to keep extra drinking water, a first-aid kit, canned/non-perishable food, a non-electric can opener, battery-powered radio, flashlight and spare batteries in an easily-accessible place.The commonwealth's ReadyPA campaign encourages citizens to take three basic steps before an emergency: Be Informed, Be Prepared, Be Involved. More detailed information on how the public can "Be Informed, Be Prepared, Be Involved," including downloadable checklists and emergency plan templates, is available online at

www.ReadyPA.org or by calling 1-888-9-READY-PA.