Published January 15. 2019 12:17PM
Slatington Borough Council opened Monday’s meeting by paying respects to Councilman Russell Hallman, who passed away on Dec. 23, 2018. A black ribbon was draped on Hallman’s name plate, and a red rose was placed in his honor.
Councilman David Schnaars said, “Russell was an integral part of this community and was active in many different things. … He will be sorely, sorely missed.” A moment of silence was held.
During the meeting it was announced that a special meeting on Jan. 21 for the purposes of appointing Hallman’s replacement on council, along with any other business that needs to be discussed.
Also during the meeting, Fire Chief Jason Nicholas presented council with the 2018 report. Nicholas noted there were 292 calls for service in 2018, with 27 fire incidents and 68 false alarms or unfounded reports. Nicholas said there were 50 more calls in 2018 compared to the previous year
In other business, council:
• Approved the purchase of a 2018 Ford Interceptor sedan along with an in-car camera system for a total purchase price of $39,555.75. A motion to purchase a vehicle previously made in December was rescinded due to corrections that needed to be made on the initial quote.
• Agreed to act as the Grantee for a DCNR-BRC grant. The $40,000 nonmatching grant was received to make repairs to restroom facilities at Victory Park.
• Approved purchasing new office chairs for the municipal building at a cost not to exceed $800.
• Approved a $1,500 donation to the Lehigh County District Attorney’s office for a special victims investigator.
• Appointed Annabel Fogal to the Slatington Public Library board of directors for a three-year term.
• Noted there are currently three vacancies on the Slatington Borough Authority, meaning there is not enough for a quorum at meetings. Anyone interested in serving can contact the municipal office.