Franklin Township supervisors name new zoning officer
Most of the appointments made Monday during the Franklin Township board of supervisors annual reorganization meeting were the same as 2009, except for a few appointments.
The major change was Matt Neeb, who has been serving on the township's Planning Commission was appointed zoning officer. He takes over for Terrance Wentz, who has served the township for several years. Neeb will also enforce the BOCA Property Maintenance Code. Also a change for 2010, was that Paul Kocher was named vice chairman of the board, replacing Larry Smith, who nominated Kocher for the position. Also there was a change in the appointment of solicitor for the township's Zoning Hearing Board. Replacing Att. Steven Serfass is his wife, Att. Jenny Cheng. Serfass won the election to become Carbon County's third judge, which caused him to give up his appointment as the township's solicitor on the board.Remaining as chairman of the board of supervisors is Rod Green. Smith is seated as the third supervisor on the board.Sandra Gaumer will remain as secretary-treasurer and Brenda Neeb will remain as assistant secretary-treasurer.Nanovic Law Offices was retained as the township's solicitor.Neeb will also enforce the BOCA Property Maintenance Code, while Carl Faust was renamed as the township's uniform construction code officer and Assistant BOCA property maintenance code enforcement officer. Sean Corey of Spotts, Stevens and McCoy was retained to continue as the sewage enforcement officer as was Scott Bieber will stay as alternate sewage enforcement officer. Spotts, Stevens and McCoy will continue as the township's engineer for sewage, while Ron Tirpak of Carbon Engineering was retained as township engineer.Charles Fritz was renamed as the vacancy board member and Paul Kocher will continue to serve on the Planning Commission.Vincent Gilotti was reappointed to the Zoning Hearing Board for a three-year term.Gail Maholick was reappointed to the Property Maintenance Code Appeals Board for a two-year term. Also serving on the board are Willard Ahner, Dr. John DeMatte, Eric Markell and Vincent Gilotti.Robert Maholick was reappointed to the Municipal Authority for a five-year term.Art Berger was renamed to the Carbon County Solid Waste Advisory Committee.Rod Green was reappointed to the Franklin Township Advisory Recreation and Parks Board for a five-year term.Dennis Bauchpies was renamed as representative to the Lehigh Canal Commission.Thomas Beltz was reappointed police chief of the Franklin Township Police Department.Brenda Neeb and Sandra Gaumer were renamed local services tax collectors.Rod Green was reappointed as chief administrative official for nonuniformed pension plan and police pension plan.Jim Thorpe National Bank and PLGIT accounts will remain for the township's checking and savings accounts.The treasurer's bond was set at $500,000 and the limit of bond for the board of supervisors as trustees of the Franklin Township Police Pension Plan.Township meetings will be held at 7:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month.The secretary-treasurer was reapproved to prepay bills for the board of supervisors.All present township employees were retained and were given a three percent raise.Travel allowance was set at 45 cents a mile.Paul Kocher was appointed to serve as the township's delegate to the state convention.The board approved Buckno Lisicky and Co. as the township's auditors to replace elected auditors.The board approved PPL's request to replace 11 poles along Skyline Drive and one anchor guy near the entrance to PPL's substation cartway.Chairman Green noted that his goal is to stay within the budget and despite the economic climic to provide the best services possible to the township.