A new Gallup poll this week reveals that just 12 percent of Americans express confidence in the congress, which is the worst rating ever measured for any institution in the 35-year history of the poll.
In case House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Harry Reid are scratching their heads on that abysmal number, they need only look in the mirror for one reason. When Mexican President Felipe Calderon's launched his verbal attack against the U.S. last week for the Arizona Immigration Reform, many Democrats, including Pelosi and Vice President Joe Biden gave him a standing ovation. Hearing the leader of an outside country berate us on our own soil, and then seeing him supported by our own elected officials, border on the outrageous.Pelosi and Biden even went so far as to wear wristbands to show their opposition to the Arizona bill, which incidentally, specifically denounces racial profiling by law enforcement. The legislation simply puts teeth in a U.S. law which the federal government has been lax to enforce.State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe of Butler County strongly took exception to the disgusting display by the Mexican president and issued his own statement."The Mexican president's unfounded and racially motivated attack on states such as Arizona and Pennsylvania executing their individual rights to implement attrition through law enforcement is beyond hypocritical, especially when you consider that his economically and morally corrupt regime is the main reason that his own citizens are fleeing to our country. Mexican immigration law is just as tough, if not tougher on illegal aliens crossing its southern border with Central America," he stated.Metcalfe also criticized Obama."The Obama administration's decision to invite the President of Mexico to freely come onto American soil and take cheap shots against American citizens at the White House and before the U.S. Congress is a betrayal of America and the American people," said Metcalfe.Obama said in his press conference Thursday that we are a nation of immigrants. That's true. Many of our ancestors traveled through that portal of freedom, Ellis Island, to enter this country. They understood that under America's laws, they had to register, not enter illegally by sneaking through a border fence or tunnel.Rep. Metcalfe has introduced House Bill 2479, which is modeled after the revised Arizona law, allowing state and local law enforcement to apprehend Pennsylvania's estimated 140,000 illegal aliens for deportation. The lawmaker's website has an online petition drive to urge passage of the bill.It states:"We, the undersigned, demand enactment of the Arizona-modeled legislation, Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act, to provide our law enforcement with full authority to apprehend illegal aliens for deportation; to punish employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens; and to eliminate public benefits, welfare, education, and all other economic attractions for illegal aliens."As far as allowing Mexico, the UN or any other foreign government to dictate American immigration policy, it would be wise to Remember the Alamo," Metcalfe says. "The national security message all 50 state legislatures should be sending to illegal aliens by passing Arizona-modeled legislation is crystal clear: Leave America or go to jail."Now that kind of straight talk on such an emotional issue IS worth a standing ovation.By Jim Zbickjzbick@tnonline.com