Published March 23. 2019 06:42AM
Schuylkill County Treasurer Linda Marchalk submitted the treasurer’s report for February 2019.
The ending balances are: general fund $14,232,660; other county $21,880,336; county agencies $5,293,891; worker comp $332,730; with the total for all accounts $40,878,467.
The county treasurer’s office collected $143,174.86 in real estate taxes, $4,979 in funded debt tax and $4,001 in per capita during February. Other revenue came from $44,748 in magistrate fees, $1,119 in hotel tax commissions, and $26,860 in hotel tax.
Revenue from the sale of licenses included dog licenses $2,033 ($9,397 state); fishing licenses $19, bingo $815 and small games of chance $5,200.