Published December 15. 2009 05:00PM
At Slatington's regular meeting of council held Monday night Jason Breidinger, who is president of the Greater Northern Lehigh Chamber of Commerce, welcomed Slatington's new borough manager, Steve Salvesen, who was sworn in by Mayor Walter Niedermeyer Dec. 2.
The Chamber's Feb. 2 luncheon at the Terrace Restaurant, 840 S. Best Ave., will feature Salvesen and introduce him to the community. Breidinger also invited council to the Venture Group's next meeting, which will be held Jan. 27 at 8:30 a.m. in Slatington Borough Hall.In other business, Council voted to purchase signage and stone for the Slate Heritage Trail. The borough will be reimbursed for these purchases through their Trail Grant. They had to use up the remainder of the money in this grant by Dec. 31. The stone and signs will be put in during the spring. Councilman Daniel Stevens gave an update on the old high school site at the corner of Main and Church streets. Slatington has received $20,000 of the $40,000 that the borough will receive in grant money for the future park. They are currently storing about $4,000 worth of benches at the Borough Building, and they have a $3,000 commitment from the Chamber Foundation. Stevens said that work will start in the spring.Ed Ziegler thanked the police department for stopping the man that allegedly attempted to steal copper piping from his property at 208 N. Walnut St. last month, and Chad Trego asked Council when the streets that are being ripped up for the sewer project will be redone. President Galen Freed said that the roads will be redone in the spring at the end of all the sewer work. Until then the temporary patches will be re-patched as needed.