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West Penn receives $55K park grant

West Penn Township has received a $55,000 grant to spruce up a park it will name after a late industry leader.

The township’s board of supervisors Monday morning agreed to adopt an ordinance for a grant for the West Penn Park East.

Supervisors said they plan to rename the park after the late John E. Morgan, who passed away in 2001.

The grant will pay for a new sign, which will read J.E. Morgan Memorial Park; playground equipment; re-skinned infield of the baseball field; an equipment shed/stand; pavilion and picnic tables.

Board Chairman Tony Prudenti accepted the funds on behalf of the township.

Prudenti thanked former township Supervisor Jimmy Akins for helping him get the information together, and township secretary Katie Orlick for putting the grant together.

He thanked the J.E. Morgan Foundation Inc. for the grant, and for giving the township the opportunity to develop the park.

Other action

Supervisors also took the following action:

• Adopted a resolution that will allow an escalator clause for bituminous material.

• Authorized a joint municipal bid project with Walker Township for bituminous seal coat. Walker Township will take the lead and advertise for the project.

• Advertised for sealed bids for road materials for the project.