Schuylkill County Court news
Granted divorce
Earl Bitzer, 119 E. Schmaltzdale, New Ringgold, was granted a divorce from Diane Betzer, Reading. They were married Feb. 7, 2006.Jason Walker, 1783 West Penn Pike, New Ringgold, was granted a divorce from Mary Walker, 12 W. Ludlow St., Summit Hill. They were married Oct. 23, 1998.Jitendrakumar Kansagara, Orwigsburg, was granted a divorce from Poofa Kansagara, Reading. They were married Feb. 7, 2006.Laurie A. Potts was granted a divorce from Michael E. Potts, both of Pine Grove. They were married Dec. 8, 2005.James K. Ferguson was granted a divorce from Kathy G. Ferguson, both of Pine Grove. They were married Aug. 31, 1992.Kelley A. Horn, Pottsville, was granted a divorce from Donald Horn, Minersville. They were married Feb. 3, 1996,Samantha J. Guers was granted a divorce from Shawn Guers, both of Auburn. They were married Feb. 14, 1996.Fails to showA bench warrant was issued by Senior Judge D. Michael Stine for Dorothy Lois Molion, 40, of Center St., Tamaqua, for failing to show for a revocation hearing which was scheduled on Aug. 16.The hearing was held without her and Stine found she had violated terms of her probation and removed her from the Accelerated Rehabiliative Disposition (ARD) probation program and the case was returned to the trial list. She was given a chance to clear her name of a charge of retail theft from Boyer's Market, Tamaqua. She was cited by Patrolman Michael Hobbs, on April 5, 2011, of theft of chewing gum valued at $2..59 from the store.In August 2011 Stine placed her in the ARD program to serve 12 months and had she served without violation she could have cleared her name, however, now she must stand trial. The violation was for failure to notify her probation officer of a change of address and of a new arrest for retail theft.File for divorceColette M. Cunningham started a divorce action against Charles J. Cunningham, both of 23 N. Fifth Avenue, Barnesville. They were married July 17, 1998.Michael Haywood, 326 W. Broad St., Apt 5, Tamaqua, filed suit for divorce fronm Joann Haywood, 109 W. Vine St., Ringtown. They were married Oct. 2, 2010.Colin H. Houser, 29 Schuylkill Road, New Ringgold, filed suit for divorce from Amber L. Houser, 206 Royer St., New Ringgold. They were married April 27, 2002.Zone permitsThe county zoning officed issued 13 permits in July collecting $4,180 in fees and the estimated cost of construction is $302,200. Receiving permits were the following:Heath and Denise Machamer, Washington Township, pole building and garage, $11,000; Catherine M. Krause, Porter Townshiip, restaurant and retail beverage distributor, $10,000; Christopher and Melissa Sternick, Cass Township,outdoor pool cabana, $5,000; John and Marian Ziegler, Pine Grove, enclosure of an upstairs porch, $18,000; Tri Vet Real Estate, Washington Township, agricultural building, $55,000; Terry and Janet Raffety, Minersville, restaurant, $45,000; Geraldine and Nelson Pauly, Reilly Township, small house, $15,000; Tammac Corporation, Reilly Township, single mobile home, $22,000; James Wentz, Cass Township, garage, $9,000; Dennis and Ann Borowski, Palo Alto, pole building and garage, $12,000; Dawn McNamara, Barry Township, shed for livestock, $500; Jonathan Hornberger, Jr., Gordon, enclosed sun porch, $5,000; Sandra Liddick, Minersville, front porch, $10,000; Timothy and Kelly Lucas, Tower City, deck, $2,700; Jerry Gordner, Frailey Township, garage and carport, $7,000; and Clark Snyder Estate and Lisa Harner, Pine Grove, conversion apartnment and deck, $75,000.