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Brian J. Dolena is candidate for Panther Valley School Board

Brian J. Dolena

Brian J. Dolena, 35 W. Vernon St., Summit Hill, has announced his candidacy for a position on the Panther Valley School District Board of Education.

He is seeking both the Democratic Paty and Republican Party nominations in the May 21 Primary Election.Dolena, 26, is a son of Lousie Maxwell and James Dolena, both of Summit Hill, and a stepson of Michael Maxwell of Summit Hill.A 2005 graduate of Marian High School, Hometown, he graduated in 2010 from Kutztown University of Pennsylvania with a bachelor of science degree in leisure and sports studies.He is currently employed by Gonnella Frozen Products, Humboldt Industrial Park, Hazleton."During these challenging times for our schools, I am interested in playing a role in the educational process in the PV towns. At a time when it is important for people to get involved, I want to do my part to help improve our local communities."Dolena served as the commissioner of the Summit Hill Adult Summer Basketball League, overseeing scheduling and finances. As part of his educational process, he interned in the Northern Lehigh School District, assisting in the district's athletic department responsibilities.He is a member of the Sons of the American Legion, Post 316, St. Joseph Catholic Church and the Jeffersonian Democratic Club, all of Summit Hill."I believe it is important to answer the call at this time, especially with our local schools facing financial difficulties with funding cuts in Harrisburg. If elected, I will certainly be a watchdog for the PV taxpayers and I will take my role as a director with responsibility," Dolena said.