Pleasant Valley sweeps PM East in hoops
The Pleasant Valley boys and girls basketball teams swept Pocono Mountain East in East Penn Conference action on Monday.
BOYS BASKETBALLPM East-Pleasant Vy.Pleasant Valley edged Pocono Mountain East for a 57-56 Eastern Pennsylvania Conference win.Justin Richardson led a trio of Bears in double figures with 13 points. Lucas Schaffner netted 12, while Matt Pierce finished with 10.The Cardinals' Kevin Ferguson led all scorers with 21 points, while Amir Lamar added 10.PM EASTLamar 3-4-8-10, Ferguson 6-8-12-21, Lake 0-0-0-0, Malcolm 1-0-1-2, Pepchatka 0-2-2-2, McMaster 2-0-0-5, Valencia 0-0-0-0, Horvath 0-1-2-1, Scott 3-0-0-6, Osei-Achcampong 3-2-2-9. TOTALS: 18-17-27-56.PLEAS. VY.Smoltz 1-0-0-2, Aulder 0-0-0-0, Barker 2-4-4-8, Pierce 4-1-3-10, Richardson 5-3-5-13, Munford 2-0-2-4, Howard 2-0-0-5, Schaffner 6-0-1-12, Geralimatos 1-0-0-3. TOTALS: 23-8-15-57.LamarPM East 15 18 8 15 - 56Pleas. Vy. 16 10 15 16 - 57Three-pointers: PME - Ferguson 1, McMaster 1, Osei-Achcampong 1; PV - Pierce 1, Howard 1, Geralimatos 1.Marian-NativityMarian used a strong second half to pull out a 48-36 Schuylkill League victory over Nativity.Josh Inama paced the Colts with a game-high 18 points, while Ethan Kuczynski chipped in with 13.Derik James was the lone Hill Topper to hit double digits with 12 points.MARIANCortese 0-0-0-0, Woitko 1-0-0-2, Puza 0-0-0-0, Karchner 0-0-0-0, Paisley 1-0-0-3, Kuczynski 5-1-2-13, DeAngelo 2-1-2-5, Mohammed 2-1-2-5, Paluck 0-2-2-2, Mummey 0-0-0-0, Inama 8-2-4-18, Collevechio 0-0-0-0. TOTALS: 19-7-12-48.NATIVITYJames 5-2-4-12, Szyeliga 3-2-2-9, Rushannon 0-0-0-0, Evans 0-0-0-0, Adams 4-0-0-8, Hunyara 0-1-2-1, Shatalsky 0-0-0-0, Nelson 3-0-0-6. TOTALS: 15-5-8-36.Marian 7 6 21 14 - 48Nativity 2 18 11 5 - 36Three-pointers: Marian - Kuczynski 2, Paisley 1; Nativity - Szyeliga 1.Catasauqua-No. LehighShaquan Mason's 31-point performance helped spark Catasauqua to a 81-49 Colonial League win over Northern Lehigh.Isaiah Graved chipped in with 12 points for the Roughies.Hasan Mujovic paced the Bulldogs with 14 points, while David Shupp added 10.CATASAUQUAGraves 3-5-7-12, Pontician 3-0-0-8, Hicks 3-0-0-7, Hawk 1-0-0-3, C. Bond 0-0-0-0, Brett 0-0-0-0, Ritter 1-0-0-2, Hernandez 2-0-0-4, Mason 13-1-3-31, Burker 0-0-0-0, K. Bond 2-4-4-8, Fogel 3-0-0-6, Sparacello 0-0-0-0. TOTALS: 31-10-14-81.NO. LEHIGHMeixsell 1-0-0-2, Egan 3-0-0-6, G. Kemery 1-0-0-3, Shupp 4-2-4-10, Seiler 0-0-0-0, Shoff 0-0-0-0, Hess 1-0-0-3, P. Kemery 0-0-0-0, Colon 4-1-1-9, Mujovic 6-2-2-14. TOTALS: 20-5-7-49.Catasauqua 16 20 29 16 - 81No. Lehigh 9 8 15 15 - 49Three-pointers: Catty - Mason 4, Pontician 2, Graves 1, Hicks 1, Hawk 1; NL - G. Kemery 1, Hess 1.Northwestern-SalisburySalisbury cruised to a 66-48 Colonial League win over Northwestern.Jack Reichenbach led the Falcons with 17 points, while Tevon Weber scored 15.The Tigers' Parker Jones netted a game-high 19 points.Northwestern drops to 9-12 overall and 6-10 in the CL.NORTHWESTERNKemmerer 0-0-0-0, Hippenstee 0-0-0-0, Yadush 0-0-0-0, Mengel 2-1-4-6, Jones 6-3-3-19, Snyder 3-2-4-9, Fatzinger 0-0-0-0, Fager 0-0-0-0, McCann 0-0-0-0, Seyfried 3-0-0-6, Fenstermaker 0-0-0-0, Lobach 1-0-1-2, Hess 3-0-0-6. TOTALS: 18-6-12-48.SALISBURYWeber 6-2-2-15, Cooperman 3-0-0-7, Reichenbach 8-0-0-17, Costello 4-0-0-8, Belletiere 3-0-0-6, Jones 2-2-2-7, Carson 1-0-0-2, Galantini 0-0-0-0, Slutsky 1-0-0-2, Frankenfield 0-0-0-0, Adams 0-0-0-0, S. Snyder 0-2-2-2, D. Snyder 0-0-0-0, Trainer 0-0-0-0. TOTALS: 28-6-6-66.Northwestern 10 14 8 16 - 48Salisbury 14 15 23 14 - 66Three-pointers: NW - Jones 4, Mengel 1, Snyder 1; Salisbury - Weber 1, Cooperman 1, Jones 1, Reichenbach 1.Palmerton-So. LehighPalmerton's second half rally fell short as Southern Lehigh escaped with a 67-59 Colonial League victory.The Bombers' Spencer Hay led all scorers with 20 points, while Mike Stasko finished with 14 and Joey Suto added 13.Jacob Cassel and Derek Barnes both led a foursome of Spartans in double digits with 13 points. Kevin Patel added 12, while Jack Zamicheieli ended up with 10.PALMERTONHay 8-3-6-20, Yaindl 0-0-0-0, Papay 0-2-2-2, Suto 5-2-2-13, Perschy 1-0-0-2, Andress 2-0-0-6, Stasko 6-0-0-14, Stahler 1-2-2-4. TOTALS: 23-9-12-59.SOUTHERN LEHIGHPatel 4-0-0-12, Miller 0-1-2-1, Barnes 4-2-3-13, Welsh 3-2-3-8, Hudson 2-2-2-6, Dougherty 2-0-1-4, Cassel 4-5-5-13, Davis 0-0-0-0, Zamichieli 5-0-0-10. TOTALS: 24-12-16-67.Palmerton 12 13 21 13 - 59So. Lehigh 17 24 11 15 - 67Three-pointers: Palmerton - Andress 2, Stasko 2, Hay 1, Suto 1; SL - Patel 4, Barnes 3.No. Schuylkill-TamaquaA 20-point fourth quarter put North Schuylkill over the top to score a 63-48 Schuylkill League Division I victory over Tamaqua.The Spartans' Tevin Murray led all scorers with 27 points, while Jonathan Smith added 10.Russel Blaker and Thad Zuber tied for a Blue Raiders' high as both scored 15 points.Tamaqua slips to 6-15 overall and 4-9 in the league.NO. SCHUYLKILLStokes 0-0-0-0, Bolinsky 1-0-0-3, Weist 3-0-0-8, Murray 11-5-7-27, Mazur 0-0-0-0, Wood 1-0-0-2, Smith 5-0-0-10, Grigas 2-1-1-6, Kotzo 0-0-0-0, Shewmaker 0-0-0-0, Roshoe 0-0-0-0, Jordan 3-0-0-7. TOTALS: 26-6-8-63.TAMAQUABlaker 4-6-7-15, Wassell 2-0-0-6, Kurek 0-0-0-0, Zuber 4-5-6-15, Scott 1-0-0-3, Barr 0-0-0-0, Wargula 1-0-0-3, Rother 0-0-0-0, Murphy 0-0-0-0, Rivera 0-0-0-0, Davidson 0-0-0-0, Gregoire 1-1-1-3, Bates 1-0-2-2. TOTALS: 14-12-16-48.No. Schuy. 12 14 17 20 - 63Tamaqua 9 11 12 16 - 48Three-pointers: NS - Weist 2, Bolinsky 1, Grigas 1, Rashoe 1; Tamaqua - Blaker 2, Wassell 2, Zuber 2, Scott 1, Wargula 1.Weatherly-LourdesThomas Schultz's 20-point performance highlighted Lourdes Regional's 67-24 Schuylkill League win over Weatherly.Jordan Fobia added 10 points for the Red Raiders.Jared Zaremba finished with seven points to lead Weatherly..In the JV game, Lourdes edged Weatherly for a 28-21 victory. Steph Yurichek and Zach Peiser led the Wreckers with six points a piece.WEATHERLYMoon 0-0-2-0, Zaremba 3-0-0-7, Buck 1-0-0-3, Stover 1-0-0-2, Bizarre 1-0-0-2, Hinkle 0-0-0-0, Arthur 0-0-0-0, Berger 0-0-0-0, Osifat 0-0-0-0, Yurichek 2-0-0-4, Peiser 2-0-0-4, Dempsey 1-0-0-2. TOTALS: 11-0-2-24.LOURDESReichard 3-1-1-7, Schultz 5-9-9-20, Bucanelli 3-0-0-6, Klembara 2-0-0-6, Holleran 2-0-0-5, Christiana 1-0-0-2, Fobia 4-1-2-10, Nguyen 1-0-0-3, Padulla 2-1-2-6, Ahrensfield 1-0-2-2. TOTALS: 24-12-16-67.Weatherly 4 6 8 6 - 24Lourdes 12 20 17 18 - 67Three-pointers: Weatherly - Zaremba 1, Buck 1; Lourdes - Klemzara 2, Schultz 1, Hollern 1, Fobia 1, Nguyen 1, Padula 1.GIRLS BASKETBALLNo. Lehigh-CatasauquaCatasauqua ran away with a 60-17 Colonial League win over Northern Lehigh.Quinn Bachman paced the Roughies with 16 points, while MaKenzie Bradley and Jade Biviano followed with 13 and 12 respectively.Kaitlin Hoffman finished with a Bulldogs' high of 10 points.Northern Lehigh slips to 1-19 overall and 1-14 in the league.NO. LEHIGHGuelcher 0-0-0-0, M. Wilk 0-0-0-0, K. Hoffman 3-3-8-10, Knerr 0-0-0-0, Kemery 0-0-0-0, Ziegler 0-0-0-0, A. Wilk 0-0-0-0, Lutz 0-0-0-0, Thomas 0-0-0-0, Olewine 3-1-2-7. TOTALS: 6-4-10-17.CATASAUQUABradley 5-0-0-13, Garner 4-1-2-9, Bachman 6-2-2-16, Safadi 0-0-0-0, Biviano 6-0-0-12, Brown 1-0-0-2, Emery 1-0-0-2, Saeger 2-2-2-6, Greenberg 0-0-0-0, Richards 0-0-0-0, Delucia 0-0-0-0. TOTALS: 25-5-6-60.No. Lehigh 6 2 7 2 - 17Catasauqua 20 14 22 4 - 60Three-pointers: NL - K. Hoffman 1; Catty - Bradley 3, Bachmann 2.So. Lehigh-PalmertonA 23-point second quarter helped propel Southern Lehigh to a 66-18 Colonial League victory over Palmerton.Olivia Snyder and Sydney Cyr tied for a Spartans' high with 12 points, while Amanda Mobley chipped in with 11.Linnaea Leister finished with seven to lead Palmerton.Palmerton falls to 4-17 overall and 3-13 in the CL.SO. LEHIGHA. Mobley 5-0-0-11, Dex 0-0-0-0, Bennett 2-3-3-7, Snyder 6-0-0-12, S. Cyr 4-4-5-12, Campbell 1-2-2-5, Clemmer 1-0-0-2, Tankred 1-0-0-3, Cassel 4-0-0-8, Miller 3-0-0-6, B. Mobley 0-0-0-0. TOTALS: 27-9-10-66.PALMERTONHirochek 1-0-0-3, Shupp 1-0-0-2, Leister 2-1-2-7, Frantz 2-0-0-4, Wentz 1-0-0-2, Muniz 0-0-0-0, Beers 0-0-0-0, Goodhile 0-0-2-0. TOTALS: 7-1-4-18.So. Lehigh 16 23 17 10 - 66Palmerton 5 6 5 2 - 18Three-pointers: SL - A. Mobley 1, Campbell 1, Tankred 1; Palmerton - Leister 2, Hirochek 1.Pleas. Vy.-PM EastPleasant Valley clinched a district playoff berth with a 54-48 Eastern Pennsylvania Conference win over Pocono Mountain East.Renee Milos paced the Bears with a game-high 21-point performance, while Masani Francis followed with 11.Cassidy Heller recorded a Cardinals' high of 14 points, while Morgan Mader and Khyasia Caldwell added 13 and 12 respectively.Pleasant Valley improves to 11-10 overall and 8-7 in conference play.PLEAS. VY.Borger 2-3-5-7, Sullivan 3-0-1-6, Francis 3-3-3-11, Russell 2-3-4-7, Salmon 1-0-0-2, Milos 9-3-5-21. TOTALS: 20-12-18-54.PM EASTHaller 5-2-2-14, Caldwell 6-0-0-12, Mader 5-2-2-13, LaDuke 2-2-4-6, Ellerbee 1-0-0-2, Fernandez 0-1-2-1. TOTALS: 19-7-10-48.Pleas. Vy. 17 13 14 10 - 54PM East 10 10 16 12 - 48Three-pointers: PV - Francis 2; PME - Haller 2, Mader 1.EIGHTH GRADE BASKETBALLMahanoy Area-TamaquaTamaqua knocked off Mahanoy Area for a 47-39 win.Tamaqua's Nate Boyle finished with a game-high 19 points, while Lucas Gregoire added 14.Miller recorded a Golden Bears' high with 12 points.