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The Real Socialism

Look no further than Venezuela to see the true effects of socialism; they are devastating. Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in South America with the largest proven fossil fuel reserves in the world.

And then came socialism, and the dire consequences followed. It is now a country of starvation, disease, crime and mortality. Malnourishment currently affects 6.8 million people, over 21% of the population. The wonderful people of Venezuela lost on average 25 pounds.

When they ran out of zoo animals to eat, they resorted to eating their own pets. And yet, here in our great country, with an economy that is the envy of the world, socialism is being exemplified by the policies of 2020 Democrat presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren as something wonderful and desirable.

Think long and hard this November when you go to the polls. If you are a pet owner, think about what it must feel like when you are forced to eat your own beloved pet, because to survive, you have no other choice. This is the real socialism. Free isn’t free. It never was and it never will be.

Wanda Dietz

Franklin Township