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Towamensing supervisor resigns; zoning board member steps in

Towamensing Township appointed a new supervisor during its monthly supervisors meeting Thursday.

William “Butch” Acierno was sworn in, taking the place of Thomas Newman, who also served as vice chair. Acierno resigned from his position on the township’s zoning hearing board, effective immediately, minutes before he was appointed supervisor.

Newman was absent from Thursday’s meeting, but he still managed to say goodbye to the township he served for about eight years through a letter read aloud by Supervisor and Chairwoman Penny Kleintop.

“My wife Grace has been the wind beneath my wings and enabled me to be who I am and do the things that we have done,” Kleintop read on Newman’s behalf.

“Presently, my job as caregiver requires me to be the wind beneath her wings, and I can no longer serve as township supervisor,” the letter continued, referencing Grace’s 12-year battle with Alzheimer’s disease.

Newman thanked his former fellow supervisors, “whose loyalty, support and teamwork has made my job easier,” he wrote. He also acknowledged the people that make up the township.

“I want to thank the residents, all who volunteer in the community — including those on the planning and historical commissions — the Girl and Boy Scouts leaders, the men and women who run the baseball and soccer leagues, and especially the township employees, who are all among the unsung heroes and heroines in our township,” Newman wrote.

“As a supervisor, our job is to lead, and we can only do that successfully with the support of the residents, volunteers and township employees, who are indeed, the wind beneath our wings.”

After confirming Newman’s resignation, Kleintop had a few farewell words of her own.

“I would like to say that those of us that know Grace Newman know her to be a wonderful woman,” Kleintop said. “She’s been on a very long journey. She’s been ill for many, many years.”

“We certainly wish both of them all the best,” Kleintop said.

With Newman’s resignation, the designation of vice chair falls to Supervisor Guy Seifert.

A stipulation of his appointment, Acierno asked the board that if at any given time he no longer serves as supervisor, then he would like his position on the zoning hearing board to be reinstated.

Seifert and Kleintop approved his request.

Solicitor Thomas Nanovic, right, swears in William “Butch” Acierno as a Towamensing Township supervisor during Thursday’s meeting. DANIELLE DERRICKSON/TIMES NEWS