Published February 09. 2019 06:50AM
West Penn Township’s board of supervisors took the following action on Monday:
• Hired James Bonner as a part-time police officer at the rate of $18 an hour.
• Agreed to have township engineer Bill Anders work with the township to prepare a Department of Conservation and Natural Resources grant application for improvements at the J.E. Morgan Memorial Park.
• Tabled action on proposals the township received for its comprehensive plan.
• Adopted a resolution appointing Lettich & Zipay, CPA, to conduct an audit of the township accounts for fiscal year 2018.
• Agreed to increase the amount of cash on the township’s debit card from $100 to $1,000.
• Agreed to have the new utility truck Rhino lined.
• Thanked Bryan Miller, of Miller Trucking, for donating two truckloads of anti-skid to the township.
— Terry Ahner