Published March 11. 2016 04:00PM
To the editor:
Pennsylvania state Sen. John Yudichak's letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in support of the PennEast pipeline does not reflect the views of his constituents. (Yudichak urges pipeline approval, Feb 23) The vast majority of constituents along the pipeline route through Carbon and Luzerne Counties are opposed to this project.The notion that the pipeline will "lower energy costs" has been debunked. Ratepayers will foot the bill for the massive buildout of NG infrastructure across Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Likewise, the claim that "thousands of good-paying jobs" will be created by the project was found to be highly exaggerated and inflated with pre-existing jobs and jobs with little or no direct connection to the pipeline, such as food vendors. Fewer than 100 permanent, full-time jobs will result across the six counties along the pipeline route in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.Yudichak writes: "Safety and Environmental protection are primary concerns of mine." Yet he has announced his support of the project before the Draft Environmental Impact Study has been completed and all the evidence is available concerning the environmental impacts.Dozens of constituents in Carbon and Luzerne counties have posted comments to the FERC website concerning the negative environmental and socioeconomic impacts of the pipeline. Hundreds along the route have registered as intervenors in opposition to the project. At least six municipalities along the route in Carbon and Luzerne counties have passed resolutions opposing the project. These numbers speak for themselves.Juliet PerrinAlbrightsville