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Let's call it what it is. Anyone who deals heroin is likely participating in a homicide. The evidence of that is on our obituary page on an all-too-regular basis.With that as background, the blunt reasoning of Lycoming County Judge Nancy Butts at a sentencing hearing this past week was entirely logical."You are a dealer," she told Shareaf Williams, 22, of Philadelphia, as she was sentencing him to 48 months to 18 years in state prison. "I think a sentence of any less sends the wrong message."Williams, found guilty of possession with intent to deliver heroin following a jury trial, told the judge the sentence is "ridiculous."Here's what is ridiculous: A person can make tons of money dealing drugs that get people hooked and ultimately killed, go to prison, behave poorly, get back on the street, resume dealing, then wonder why they are getting a stiff sentence for a repeat offense.Judge Butts apparently understood that the only thing that registered with hardened drug dealers is prison time. She also understood where people like that stand on the human ladder."One could argue there is a special place in Hell for those who take advantage of the weak," she said.We agree with everything included in Judge Butts's reasoning and sentence.We believe in second chances for even those with obviously poor intentions, but drug dealers with no inclination to rehabilitate themselves deserve harsh sentences.As the judge said, "Heroin is decimating our community."The community is attacking the problem with a groundbreaking approach to taking on the heroin epidemic in Project Bald Eagle.But no-nonsense sentences for those who distribute the drugs, with prison time that is painfully lengthy, also has to be part of the arsenal. This community cannot sit idly by and watch drug dealers ruin the lives of residents of all age groups, cultures and economic classes.- Williamsport Sun-GazetteThe foregoing opinions do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Board or Times News LLC.For more information, visit