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Do we need parking meters?

Dear Editor,

In regard to the parking meters in Tamaqua, why do we need meters? First of all parking meters in the downtown should be removed because the commercial property owners in the business district pay a lot in property taxes. They are in the heart of downtown; that is where the tax base is established. They are some of the highest taxpayers in the borough. They are taxed already for being where they are located. As you move out from the center of town your property taxes start to lower.Why should the patrons have to pay to park, to shop in their stores? In my opinion, parking meters take business out of town. That is why you have stores like Walmart in the area. You don't have to pay to park; you can stay as long as you would like. And you could buy all your goods at one location. I would like to know when the borough of Lansford does the proposed streetscape improvement to West Ridge street, if they are going to install meters after knowing what is going on in Tamaqua with the meters. Thank you. Just my thoughts.Robert BenekLansford