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No tax increase in Coaldale

Coaldale property owners are getting an early Christmas gift this year: no tax increase.

Borough council on Tuesday agreed to publish a tentative 2010 budget that calls for the tax rate to stay the same, at 20.54 mills.That means the owner of a home with a taxable value of $25,000 would continue to pay $513 in property tax.Council expects to adopt the $1.4 million spending plan on Dec. 8.In other matters Tuesday, council appointed three people to the borough planning commission. Council president Susan Solt to a one-year term; Anne Girard for two years and Debra Hatmaker for three years.Also, council hired Jeremy Talanca, as a part-time police officer at $14 an hour, and agreed to seeks bids for a loader/excavator for the streets department.The borough also is in need of members for the Board of Health. To apply, contact secretary Louise Lill at (570) 645-6310.