Schuylkill court news
File for divorce
Susan Ziegler, 27 Windy Lane, Ashland, filed suit for divorce from Harry Ziegler, 113 Cumberland Ave., Tamaqua. They were married Sept. 12, 1998.Gilbert A. Diaz, 427 Naffin Ave., Schuylkill Haven, filed suit for divorce from Nicole D. Diaz, 204 N. Railroad St., Palmyra, Lebanon County. They were married Dec. 23, 1996.Granted divorceSteven L. Brown, Cressona, was granted a divorce from Veta L. Brown, Schuylklil Haven. They were married Oct. 1, l983.Daniel Herb, Valley View, was granted a divorce from Ann Herb, Spring Glen. They were married Nov. 23, 1985.Sent to state prisonAngel "Chino" Romeu, 25, of Lleweelyn, Branch Township, who pleaded guilty last September to 17 criminal charges dealing with drugs and being a member of a corrupt organization, was sentenced by Judge Cyrus Palmer Dolbin to serve four to eight years in a state correctional institution. The sentence will commence at the expiration of a sentence of 66 to 156 months he is now serving which was imposed by the Lehigh County court.Draws jail timeRonald Henry Tobias Jr., 33, Pottsville, who pleaded guilty to delivering illegal drugs in the city, was sentenced by Judge Dolbin to serve three to 23 months in the county prison and is eligible to participate in the work release program if he qualifies. His sentence begins on Nov. 20 when he has to report to the county prison in Pottsville at 6 p.m.Revoke probationDennis Raymond Tobias, 43, Pottsville, had his probation revoked the second time by Judge John E. Domalakes was resentenced to serve four to 12 months in the county prison with credit for having served 43 days. He also was ordered to undego drug and alcohol evaluation and follow-up treatment while in prison. Tobias orginally pleaded guilty to assault charges in August 2007 and was placed on probation for 18 months but he violated the terms and it was revoked in January 2008 and he served three months and was again placed on probation.Revoke paroleKevin Anthony Roberts, 21, Pottsville, had his parole revoked by Judge Domalakes and he was recommitted to the county prison with a loss of 44 days at liberty which are added to his current maximum sentence which was extended to Sept. 1, 2010. When he is released from prison he must serve five years on probatin. He originally entered a guilty plea to indecent assault charges of a child and received a sentence in August 2008 to serve nine to 23 months and was released on probation after serving his minimum time.