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McGuire attends last meeting as JT School Board Director

Monday night's meeting marked the last appearance of former Jim Thorpe Area School Board president and current board member Peter McGuire as an active member of the board. He was thanked all around by the other board members who currently service with him for his years of service and invited by school superintendent Barbara Conway to attend the board's next meeting on Dec. 1 to receive an award.

Conway pointed out that McGuire was president of the board when she became superintendent. "He showed me the ropes and prepared me for working with this guy," she said, smiling at current board president Randall Smith."I want to thank the voters," McGuire said. "It was they who entrusted me with this work. When I ran for the school board, I thought I had a pretty good idea of what it took to be a board member, but I was dead wrong."McGuire added, "The good feeling you get for doing this work can't be replaced. I feel like I accomplished something."McGuire will be joined by board members Dennis McGinley and Thomas Henry on December 1 to be recognized by the Pennsylvania School Board Association's Honor Roll of School Board Service for eight continuous years of service to the district.

Peter McGuire