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Chestnuthill column

Amazing milestone

Mrs. Mabel Otto, a member of McMichaels UMC, will celebrate her 108th birthday on Nov. 12. Area churches and individuals are encouraged to send her a birthday card, to shower her with blessings, for this special day. The best way to do this is to send cards in care of the church at: McMichael's UMC, RR #2, Box 2420, Saylorsburg, PA 18353.It is thought she is the oldest United Methodist member in Northeast District of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference.Lions speakerGuy Miller of the Monroe County Emergency Management Center will detail the types of hazards that are most likely to affect our community, response plans, shelters, transportation, and how alert information will be disseminated, on Nov. 18 at the Western Pocono Lions Club meeting at The Hamilton, Saylorsburg.Social time is at 6:30, with dinner being served at 7 p.m. Call Bob Kelsey at (570) 992-0294 for reservations.Anyone interested in joining the club may contact President Helen Koshensky at (570) 619-4286 or Bob Argot at 629-5718.Diversity Task forcePleasant Valley School District's Diversity Task Force will meet from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at the district office in Brodheadsville.Weather workshopThe free weatherization and energy saving workshop, sponsored by Pocono Healthy Community Alliance, moves to Western Pocono Community Library in Brodheadsville this week, from 10 a.m. to noon, Saturday, Nov. 14.For more information call (570) 517-5367.German SocietyThe German American Society of the Poconos will meet at 2 p.m., Monday, Nov. 16, at the Elks Lodge in East Stroudsburg.For information call Heidi Gnoyke at (570) 421-4232.Senior SafetyThe Monroe County Sheriff's Department will present a free program, "Safety for Seniors," at the Chestnuthill Senior Center in Brodheadsville, at 11:15 a.m., Wednesday, Nov. 18.For more information call (570) 420-3746.Leos activitiesThe Pleasant Valley High School Leo Club is decorating the Leo Club showcase at the high school. Club members are also working on big boxes and decorating them for the upcoming food drive. Generated donations will go to Effort UMC's food bank.Leos will be doing a bake sale at the upcoming craft fair being held at the high school. All proceeds will go to Monroe County Children and Youth for holiday presents and will be added to funds club members have already realized from selling hot dogs and water at a recent event.Operation Christmas ChildCountryside Alliance Church, off Rt. 115 and on Countryside Drive, Brodheadsville, is serving as the West End drop-off location for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. The national shoebox drop off week is Nov. 16-23.Operation Christmas Child sends shoeboxes filled with toys, school supplies, hygiene items and love to children living in poverty, disease and environmental disasters throughout the world.Since its beginning in 1993, Operation Christmas Child has sent over 63 million shoebox gifts to 130 countries. This year's goal is 8.2 million.Call 800-528-3096 for drop-off hours or log onto
