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Carbon County Veteran's Day Parade on Sunday will have five divisions

The 2009 Veterans Day Parade, which will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, is being hosted by the Lansford United Veterans Organization.

Henry Desrosiers, Director of the Department of Veterans Affairs, said the event has a rain date of Sunday, Nov. 15.The them e of the parade is "Honoring All Who Served."Renee Slakoper, an organizer of the parade, remarked, "Participating in this high-energy commemoration is a great way for individuals to thank all those who served our country, protecting our freedoms."The parade will be telecast live on Blue Ridge Communications TV 13 with the reviewing stand in front of Blue Ridge Communications on Ridge Street. Free American flags will be distributed to children (one per child) across the street from the reviewing stand while supplies last.The parade line up is as follows:Division 1(Form west end of Bertsch Street)1) LANSFORD POLICE DEPARTMENT - Chief John Turcmanovich2) KOVATCH DEMONSTRATOR POLICE VEHICLE - Patrolman Chris Ondrus, Lansford Police Department3) LANSFORD UNITED VETERANS ORGANIZATION COLOR GUARD4) PANTHER VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND - Under the Direction of Mark Christ5) CARBON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, Director, Henry M. Desrosiers6) STATE REPRESENTATIVE / SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, Keith McCall7) VETERANS TROLLEY - Veterans that can not march the parade route can ride the trolley as space permits8) CARBON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Sheriff Dwight Nothstein9) CARBON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Sgt. Dave Midas,10) VIETNAM VETERANS ORGANIZATION OF CARBON COUNTY - Harry J. Wynn III Past Commander11) CARBON COUNTY AMERICAN LEGION INTER POST ASSOCIATION - Leonard Sabol12) LANSFORD AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS POST 123 - Jim Wentworth13) LANSFORD EMS - Chief Tom Staruch14) LANSFORD AMERICAN FIRE COMPANY NO. 1, Chief Joe CannonDivision 2(Form on Cortright Street)1) PANTHER VALLEY JROTC - Under the Direction of Major Kenneth J. Markovich2) POCONO REGION PIPE & DRUMS - Person in Charge, Michael Higgins, Jr.3) CARBON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Bill O'Gurek & Charles Getz4) PROTHONOTARY OF CARBON COUNTY - Joann Behrens5) LANSFORD AMVETS POST 83 - Commander, Robert Siesputowski6) LANSFORD AMVETS LADIES AUXILIARY POST 83 - Person in Charge, Laurel McHugh7) LANSFORD AMVETS LADIES AUXILIARY POST 83 - "What Veterans Day Means to Me" Essay Contest Winners8) LANSFORD AMERICAN LEGION POST 123 - Pat Clemens, Representing PA Dept. of Veteran Affairs & Rehabilitation9) LANSFORD AMERICAN LEGION POST 123 AUXILIARY - President Kathleen Turner10) LANSFORD CUB PACK 737 - Lori Turner11) COALDALE AMERICAN LEGION POST 170 - Commander Steve Wargo12) ALEX SHEREBA & SON '57 CLASSIC CHEVY13) ELITE GENERATION WRESTLING14) SUMMIT HILL AMERICAN LEGION POST 316 & SONS - Commander Kevin O'Donnell15) COALDALE FIRE COMPANY - Chief Richard Marek16) SUMMIT HILL DILIGENCE FIRE COMPANY NO. 1 - Chief Shawn HobenDivision 3(Form Lansford Swimming Pool - park side)1) NESQUEHONING VFW POST 8008 COLOR GUARD - Commander Brian Sommers2) NESQUEHONING VFW POST 8008 LADIES AUXILIARY - Cathy Sommers3) JIM THORPE OLYMPIAN BAND - Under the Direction of Eric Flowers4) JIM THORPE AMERICAN LEGION POST 304 - Commander Clifford Gledhill5) JIM THORPE MEMORIAL POST 8067 - Quartermaster, Michael Hettler6) JIM THORPE CUB PACK 138 - Cub Master Bill Sparacio, Assistant Cub Master Erick Buskirk7) JIM THORPE DAISY TROOP 34029 & BROWNIE TROOP 30162 -Troop Leaders Laura McArdle, Wendy Rodgers, & Sandy Buskirk8) JIM THORPE IDOL - Idol Winner Hailey Hoherchak & Contestants9) CARBON COUNTY FAIR QUEEN 2009 - Queen Kristy Rodgers & Runners Up10) BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA TROOP 441 JIM THORPE - Sponsored by American Legion Post 30411) JIM THORPE FIRE DEPARTMENT - Chief William H. Diehm12) NESQUEHONING AMBULANCE13) NESQUEHONING HOSE COMPANY #1 - Chief John McArdle14) NEW COLUMBUS FIRE COMPANY - Chief Jim NardozziDivision 4(Form Lansford Swimming Pool, Route 209 side)1) LEHIGHTON UNITED VETERANS ORGANIZATION COLOR GUARD - Commander Glenn Troutman & Floyd Brown2) LEHIGHTON AREA HIGH SCHOOL INDIAN PRIDE BAND - Under the Direction of Bryan Buffington3) LEHIGHTON BOY SCOUT TROOP 82 & CUB SCOUT PACK 82 - Scoutmaster Scot Winger & Cubmaster Kris Gasker4) STANLEY ZABO CLASSIC CAR '65 BUICK INVICTA ORIGINAL5) MAHONING CUB SCOUT PACK 145 - Susan Eckhart6) SCHUYLKILL-CARBON MARINE CORPS LEAGUE DET. 626, Commandant James Laub7) YUENGLING BEER WAGON & LEIBY'S HORSES & MILK WAGON, LEIBY'S HORSES - OWNER, JOAN LEIBY8) YENSER'S TREE FARM - "Trees for Troops" - Owner, Drew Yenser9) BANGOR STRING BAND10) NORTH SIDE CRUIZERS CAR CLUB - Secretary Stacey Bierman11) LEHIGHTON FIRE DEPARTMENT W/COUNTY COMMISSIONER WAYNE NOTHSTEIN - Chief Jack KullerDivision 5(Form Bertsch Street at Boyer's Market and the car wash)1) PALMERTON UNITED VETERANS COLOR GUARD2) PALMERTON AMERICAN LEGION POST 269 - Commander Ed Moyer3) PALMERTON VFW POST 7134 - Commander Bruce Reiner4) WEATHERLY AREA HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND - Under the Direction of Sannon Shughart5) WEATHERLY AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY UNIT 360 - Person in Charge, Fran Keener6) WEATHERLY AMERICAN LEGION POST 360 - Commander Thomas Keener7) CO. K 81ST PA VOL. INFANTRY CIVIL WAR GROUP - Ted Dombroski8) JUKEBOX CRUISERS - Joe Boyle9) BOWMANSTOWN VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY - Michael Spairana, Jr.10) MAHONING VALLEY AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION - Lewis Exner Sr.11) MAHONING VALLEY FIRE COMPANY - Person in Charge, Mark Ebbert12) WW II Replica Submarine