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A look back: January 11, 1971

The Panther Valley Ministerium on Friday met in the Baptist parsonage in Nesquehoning and discussed the problem of drug abuse in the Panther Valley.

Ministers present were the Rev. Wilbur Albright, UCC Church, Summit Hill; the Rev. Richard Bonsor, Lutheran churches of Summit Hill and Nesquehoning; the Rev. Richard Connor, United Methodist churches of Lansford and Nesquehoning; the Rev. John Klc, Slovak Lutheran Church, Lansford; the Rev. Chesley Laite, UCC Churches of Lansford; and the Rev. Louis Troester, United Methodist churches of Nesquehoning and Lansford.

The ministers plan to make available a telephone number in the Panther Valley area that can be used 24 hours a day whenever a person needs confidential help with drugs or other related problems.