Morrison re-elected mayor of Tamaqua
Christian Morrison was re-elected mayor of Tamaqua Tuesday while Coaldale elected a Democrat as mayor in the few contested races yesterday in the TIMES NEWS coverage area.
Following is a rundown of the voting in the boroughs and townships covered by the TN.TamaquaDemocrat Morrison won a second term and defeating the man he ousted four years ago for the post. Morrison got 885 votes to Richard Hadesty Sr. count of 664. Morrison got 56.69 percent of the vote to 42.54 for Hadesty.In the contest for three seats on borough council Republicans won all three posts. Current council president Micah Gursky, who won both nominations in the primary, gathered a total of 1,080 votes. Also elected was newcomer David Mace with 871 tallies and incumbent John Trudich Jr. finished third with 811 votes. The two Democratic hopefuls lost. Their vote totals were Justin D. Startzel 677 and Thomas J. McCabe 674.Alan R. Kerr was unopposed for another term as tax collector getting 1,435 votes.Other vote tallies: auditor, six year, Betsy Kline Melnick 1,237; auditor, four year, Karl P. Smulligan 1,250; and constable, Charles T. Rodgers 1,286.CoaldaleDemocrat Richard P. Corkery was relected mayor over Republican Harry R. Hontz. Corkery gathered 348 votes to 158 for Hontz.In a race for three seats on council the winners were David Yelito, Susan Solt and Joseph Hnat. Yelito, who had both nominations, got a total of 362 votes followed by Solt (R) with 351 and Hnat (D) 303. Other candidate votes were Angela M. Krapf (D) 187 and David Christman (R) 246.Catherine M. Papesh was unopposed for tax collector and got 497 tallies.Other vote: constable, Mark Richards 447.McAdooMcAdoo has a new mayor.Incumbent Stephan R. Holly lost his bid for another term to Dane Watro. Watro (R) got 383 votes to 328 for Holly (D).In the race for tax collector Democrat Andrew T. DeBalko won easily over William J. Slovik (R), 455-254.In the race for three seats on council, Democrats swept to victory winning the three posts. The winners were John J. Shigo 414, Joseph A. Madochick 401 and Clara Preputnick 338. The Republican candidates were Edward J. Bielen Sr. 296, Brian E. Kolbush 271, and Daniel G. Borchick 267.There was a two-year term seat on council up for election with the GOP winning that one. Lisa Klemas got 346 votes to 324 for Rick Snyder.David A. Zullo was unoppossed for constable and got 507 votes.Mahanoy CityIn Mahanoy City there was a race for three seats on borough council. Democrats won all three posts as follows: Raymond Cavenas 751, Thom Maziekas 675, and Thomas E. Oblas 681. The Republican candidates votes were Sean D. MacLeary 460, John Rogers 346 and A. Blackwell Sr. 325.Nancy A. Petritsch was unopposed for mayor winning both nominations in the primary. She got 1,069 votes yesterday.In a race for tax collector Democrat Vikki L. Ball defeated Republican Lynn Hanrahan, 757 to 416.Stanley J. Sabol Sr. (D) was unopposed for constable with 968 votes.New PhiladelphiaIn New Philadelphia there were no races. The voting went as follows:Mayor, Frances Gates Tkach (D) 270; tax collector, Robert J. Frantz (D) 257; council, Edward J. Braukus (D) 226, Thomas W. Rowan (D) 220, Robert J. Rulavage (D) 130, Nora Zimmerman (D) 175, Gretchen Rulavage (R) 51, and Thomas Pelachick (R) 125. The Demos win all four seats. For a two year council seat William Martin Jr. (D) got 195 votes to 185 for Thomas G. Pelachick (D).MiddleportIn Middleport there were no races. The vote totals were: Mayor Michael J. Kilousky (D) 83; tax collector, Marian Donlin (D) 95; council, Gene Heisner (D) 74 and Joseph Skripko (D) 67, constable, Margaret Vrabel (R) 81.New RinggoldIn New Ringgold there was no candidate for mayor but there were 38 write-in votes. Write-in votes will be counted beginning Friday at the courthouse.John A. Williams (D) got 53 votes for tax collector; Wayne E. Kistler (R) 54, and Troy S. Frederick (R) 48 for council.Township resultsFollowing is the vote results for the various townships in the area.Rush Township: Robert Leibensperger Jr. was unopposed for a six year term for supervisor having won both nominations in the primary. Yeterday he got a total of 678 votes. Dolores Walck was also unopposed for tax collector having both nods and got 692 votes. Larry J. Light got 602 votes for constable.Schuylkill Township: In Schuylkill Township only a race for constable. Joe Yesavage (D) defeated Shirley Kern (R), 129-119. Other votes: Maureen Vanek, supervisor, 204; Paul Delpais, tax collector, 216.Walker Township: No races in Walker. The vote totals were: Bill McMullen, supervisor, 240; Diane Yvonne Malay, tax collector, 254; Deborah Wagner, auditor, 245; and constable, Eric R. Leiby, 226.West Penn Township: No races in West Penn. The vote totals were: James E. Akins, supervisor, 800; Helene Zeigler, tax collector, 835; constable, Jack Sarge, 759.Kline Township: In a race for a six year term as supervisor Republican Carmen Cara got 311 votes to defeat Democrat Eugene P. Moisey with 210.Michael J. Notaro Jr. was unopposed for tax collector having both nominations and got 488 votes. Other votes were Leo J. Skotek (R), auditor 428; and John J. LaRose Sr. (R) 422 constable.Ryan Township: No contests in Ryan. The vote was: Supervisor, Clyde Champ Holman 412; tax collector, William G. Wildoner 447; auditor, Carole Cooney-Syzdek 385; and constable, Thomas A. Bux 363.Blythe Township: No contests in Blythe Township. The vote totals were: Adam Nothstein, supervisor, 172; Joan Dranginis, tax collector, 199; Keith Rokosky, auditor (6), 165; and Joseph J. Leskin Jr., constable, 178.Delano Township: There was a race for supervisor in Delano. Republican Ken Karlavage edged by Democrat Randal J. Derr, 76-72. There were no other races. Vote totals were: Ann Pascavage (D), tax collector 134; Christina Pugh (D), auditor 129; and Paul Kuropatsky (D), constable, 121.