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Jim Thorpe news

The Jim Thorpe fire department has free smoke detectors for Jim Thorpe borough residents. If you need a smoke detector, please contact Fire Chief Bill Diehm at (570) 325-3890. No commercial properties please.

Christmas partyDec. 1, is the final day for members of the Phoenix Hose Company to make reservations for this year's Christmas party. If you wish to attend, contact Arlene, (570) 325-4251 or (570) 952-1164. The party will be held on Dec. 10, following the business meeting of the company, which will begin at 6 p.m.Borough openingsThere is a need for people to serve on the following for Jim Thorpe Borough; health agent, for which food safety courses are needed; and alternates on the planning and zoning commissions.If you are interested, a letter of intent should be received at the borough office no later than Dec. 17.Live NativityThe ninth annual Live Nativity will be held at Sam Miller's Field, North Ave., on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 3-4, from 7-9 p.m. Honoring Christ through this humble portrayal of his birth is a great way to kick off the month of December. The event is free.Toys for TotsThe final days to register for the annual Toys for Tots are as follows; Friday and Saturday, Dec. 3-4, and Dec. 10-11, at the Salem Bible Fellowship Church, Mahoning Township. Distribution of toys will take place on Dec. 18, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. There is a barrel located at 22 E. 6th St., if you wish to donate toys. If you have questions, call Ed at (570) 325-2408.Nativity DisplayThe third annual Nativity Display will be held at St. John's Lutheran Church, South Ave., on Dec. 11-12, from noon to 5 p.m. each day. It will be held in the auditorium of the church which is accessible with a new chair lift for those in need. Last year there were 168 items and nativities on display and the committee is hoping that this year there will be at least 200 different items.