Cubs race to the finish at Pinewood Derby
Twenty-nine race cars were entered in the Jan. 10 Pinewood Derby held by Cub Pack 98 at Pleasant Valley Elementary School. Boy Scouts from troops 98 and 102 helped the younger Scouts.
The organizing race committee members were Scott Anderson and Bob Bonser.The race was run on an aluminum track purchased in 2003. It is complete with electronic timing and connections to a computer which showed the racers in a heat. After the race, the winners were posted on a large screen.All first-, second- and third-place winners received trophies. In previous years second and third places received ribbons. The majority of speeds were between 2.5 and 3.5 seconds.Lori Bonser said when the boys saw the trophies, their eyes lit up.The boys must wear uniforms to compete. Parents are allowed to make suggestions for building the cars or can help when needed.Our Lady Queen of Peace Church charters the Pack.Charlie Whyte, a Boy Scout, was the announcer, and after announcing the winners of a heat he said, "Don't worry. You're all winners."Some scouters (the adults who help) wore shirts saying "Cub Scout Pack 98 where too much fun is never enough."The people's choice awards, decided by voting on favorite cars in four categories, went to Robert Dutt for most original, Mario Mondillo for special, Ethan Graham for awesome and Jason Springer for cub pride. These winners received ribbons. Every boy received a participant certificate.Winners in first, second and third place were Tigers: Brian Colandino, Travis Crowley and Evan Gillespie; Wolf: Jacob Chechel, Landyn Hinton and Daniel Marinelli; Bear: Connor Smith, Daniel Anderson and Lucas Marinelli; Webelos I: Jonathan Fleming, Mario Mondillo and Buddy Stephani; and Webelos II: Ryan Bonser, Elijah Heckman and Vaughn Telepo.The Cubmaster is Bill Chechel and his assistant is Dave Mondillo. Dave said, "I'm proud of all the kids for their hard work."