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Weissport tentatively adopts 2010 budget, with no tax increase

Weissport Council opened Monday's meeting by accepting a donation of $10,000 from members of Concerned Citizens of Weissport.

The hefty donation represents many years of fundraising events by the group whose main goal was to provide a playground for the children of Weissport. The playground is currently in the building stage. The $10,000 donation was the seed money for a $48,000 grant from the state Department of Community and Natural Resources (DCNR), which allowed the group to fulfill their dream.Presenting the funds to Shannon McAward, council president, was Tammy Solt and Linda Schoenberger, who coordinated yard sales over many years and sold refreshments and held basket raffles to raise the money. They also provided social events for borough children, including egg hunts and Christmas parties.The next push to complete the playground will be at noon on Sunday, Nov. 8, noted Sue Pywar, vice president of council, who is chairing the playground building project.Pywar thanked everyone who has assisted with the construction.Council members tentatively adopted the 2010 budget Monday without a tax increase. The only change was that the street light account was moved to the general account so the .16 mills for street lighting was added to the 8.84 mills in the general account for a total of 8.9 mills, which is the same total as last year's milage.Council secretary Dana Brubaker explained she added the two together for this year's budget.Brubaker had noted during budget discussions that PPL is raising electricity rates by 30 percent, which the Borough of Weissport had to make provisions for in the budget.Council anticipates receipts of $144,211.33 in 2010. Council expects to spend those funds on the following: council salaries $2,400; council dues and memberships, $150; mayor salary, $750; mayor dues and memberships, $50; auditing services, $1,550; tax collector salary/commission, $3,100; earned income tax commission, $300; tax collector supplies, $100; legal services, $5,000; secretary salary, $4,800; secretary office supplies, $200; secretary computer/ copier supplies, $200; secretary postage, $200; secretary computer software (liquid fuels), $400; secretary, advertising/printing, $1,000; secretary bond, $150; engineering services, $1,000; oil and heat for borough building, $3,000; office telephone, $200; borough electricity, $2,000; propane, $200; water service, $180; Internet access, $540; pest control, $636; police department wages, $13,000; police department clerk wages, $1,000; police department office supplies, $200; police department Pa. Crimes Code books, $250; police department fuel, $2,000; police department uniforms, $200; police department miscellaneous expenses, $100; police department vehicle repairs/maintenance, $1,500; police department calibration services, $300; police department car washes, $250; police department telephone, $100; police department radio equipment maintenance, $930; police department auto insurance, $2,001; police department workers' compensation insurance, $2,100; police department dues, $100; EMS Telecommunications Services (911) $1,062; fire hydrant rental, $3,125; fire relief fund, $2,050; zoning officer commission, $250; public works solid waste clerk bond, $100; public works solid waste court filing fees, $1,000; solid waste removal, $34,750; public works wages, $10,000; public works fuel, $1,500; public works supplies, $300; public works, highway supplies, $1,000; public works repairs and maintenance, $500; public works equipment repair and maintenance, $1,500; public works small tools and minor equipment, $200; public works building repairs and maintenance, $1,000; street lights, $12,500; contribution to Canal Commission, $150; contribution to veterans, $100; contributions to Regional Comprehensive Plan, $100; parks operating supplies, $100; parks electricity, $550; levy weed control, $1,300; K-9 contribution, $65;

F.I.C.A. employer paid 6.2 percent, $2173.10; Medicare employer paid 1.45 percent, $508.23; unemployment compensation fund, $25; borough liability property, $2118; liability auto, $1,388; workers' compensation, $800; liability publike officials, $3,650; and liquid fuels expenses, $8,310.Weissport anticipates the following income: 2009 surplus, $401.33; real estate taxes current year, $45,000; real estate prior year's levy, $100; real estate taxes tax claim bureau, $2,000; occupation taxes current year, $1,000; occupation taxes prior year, $100; occupation taxes Berkheimer, $300; per capita taxes current year, $1,300; per capita prior year, $100; real estate transfer taxes, $1,000; earned income taxes, $27,000; earned income taxes delinquent, $250; emergency and municipal tax, $6,500; penalties real estate taxes, $100; cable television franchise, $6,500; moving permits, $50; restitution, $100; vehicle code violations, $2,000; local ordinance violations, $2,000; state police fines, $150; interest on checking accounts, $400; rent of land (Central Lunch lease), $1,200; PURTA, $100; alcoholic beverage license, $150; liquid fuels taxes, $8,710; fireman's relief tax, $2,050; zoning/building permits, $150; solid waste collections, $33,000; solid waste delinquent, $2,000; and unclassified operating revenue, $500.Council voted that since the new police car has arrived, that police officers will be required to log millage of the vehicle.In other police business, councilman Steve Mansueto, who is also a part-time police officer, asked council for permission to have the new police car decalled and ask if it were possible to have the second car done the same way. He said that the price for one car is $350 and if he gets the second one done, he may be able to get a better rate.Weissport recently was awarded a grant from the state Department of Community Affairs. Of the grant, $30,000 was awarded to pay for a police car and $2,850 was allowed for police equipment. Mansueto said the car is equipped and funds do remain for decalling which would identify the cars."I want the cars to look the same," said Mansueto. Mansueto said that the other car's decals are bubbling.Mansueto was approved to spend up to the amount of grant funds available.Council also approved payment of $1,281 as Weissport's share toward the Central Carbon Comprehensive Plan. Also part of the plan are the communities of East Penn, Mahoning and Franklin townships and Lehighton. Weispport's share of the costs are eight percent, noted McAward, while the other communities each are paying 23 percent.Weissport is also putting two vehicles up for sale. Council hopes to sell the yellow 1997 Ford 350 dump truck and a 1998 Ford Crown Victoria police car. Council has received the blue 1988 Ford 350 dump truck back into service.

Gail Maholick/TIMES NEWS Members of Concerned Citizens of Weissport presented a check of $10,000 to Weissport Borough Council which served as seed money for the borough to receive a $48,000 grant from the state Department of Community and Natural Resources. From left are, Shannon McAward, council president; and Linda Schoenberger and Tammy Solt, of CCOW.