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An interview with candidates for Carbon County Judge

On Tuesday, Nov. 3, the electors of Carbon County will have only one major contested countywide position to elect-for Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Carbon County. This is a new position-a third judge on the court. The two current judgeships are filled by Roger Nanovic and David Addy. A third judge, retired judge Richard Webb, is a senior judge who fills when either of the full-time judges are unavailable.

Besides this major contested countywide office, there will be statewide elections for judges for the Supreme Court, Superior Court, and the Commonwealth Court; and uncontested countywide elections for Register of Wills & Clerk Of Orphan's Court, Clerk of Courts, and Treasurer. The only other contested County office is Jury Commissioner with Democrat Joanne Poluka-Maurer and Republican Joe Steber competing.The candidates for the position of Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Carbon County are Democrat Carole Walbert-listed on the ballot as Carole Wildoner Walbert, and Republican Steve Serfass-listed on the ballot as Steven R. Serfass.The election of the Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Carbon County is for a ten-year term. As most judges are traditionally retained by voters, the election is often equivalent to a lifetime position.Both candidates have practices in Carbon County: Walbert has an office in Jim Thorpe, Serfass has an office in Palmerton.The following is from an interview with the candidates at their respective law offices.