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Polk column

Calling all PV families

If you or someone you know has an old band instrument lying around collecting dust, then please consider donating that instrument to the Pleasant Valley School District. They are accepting all instruments, in any condition. These instruments will be fixed up and put to use by Pleasant Valley students. If you have an instrument you wish to donate, please contact your child's music teacher.Pumpkin carvingPleasant Valley Elementary will be hosting a pumpkin carving night from 6-7:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria on Oct. 29. You need to bring your own carving tools.PVE Ski ClubPleasant Valley Elementary School will be running a 3rd and 4th grade Ski Club at Camelback Mountain. If your child is interested, be sure to return the payment and permission slip that was sent home. This year's ski club will be limited to 50 students, so be sure to return your permission slip as soon as possible. The dates for the 3rd and 4th Grade Ski Club will be: Tuesdays, Jan. 5, Jan. 12; Jan. 19, Jan. 26, and Feb. 2.Trick or Treat NightJust a reminder that Polk Township's Trick or Treat Night will be Oct. 31, from 5-8 p.m. If you would like the trick or treaters to come to your door, leave your front light on.Daylight-saving timeDon't forget to turn your clock back one hour this Sunday, Nov. 1.