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Toys for Tots begins registration

Schuylkill Carbon Marine Corps League will hold registration for toys the following days from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Community Thrift Store of Carbon County, 101 N. First St., side entrance, in Lehighton. Dates are Friday, Nov. 6 and Saturday, Nov. 7; Friday, Nov. 13 and Saturday, Nov 14; Friday, Nov. 20 and Saturday, Nov. 21; and Friday, Dec. 4 and Saturday, Dec. 5.

Registration will be accepted for Lehighton residents and surrounding communities. Children up to age 14 are eligible. Handicapped children up to 16 are also eligible.To ensure that a family is eligible for Toys for Tots, there must be a letter from a church or clergy, proof of public assistance or proof of unemployment.Only parents or legal guardians are permitted to register children. The person registering the children must have ID for themselves.For each child being registered, a birth certificate and Social Security card are required.Distribution day is from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 12.Families in the Tamaqua area should contact The Salvation Army in Tamaqua at (570) 668-0410 for sign up information.The Community Thrift of Carbon County does not register families for Toys for Tots. This is done by the Schuylkill-Carbon Marine Corps League only. People should only try to register on registration dates listed above.