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Ground broken for new Weatherly Legion Post

American Legion Post 360 of Weatherly took a giant step Monday. Soon they anticipate being in their new home after a groundbreaking ceremony was held at the Legion's new location, once the site of Wagner Electric.

The event, which took place under sunny skies, was attended by representatives of the Legion, the Ladies' Auxiliary, and Borough officials.This will be a new building measuring 30 by 50 feet that will be used for the Weatherly American Legion Post 360 as their Meeting Hall.According to Weatherly Mayor Tom Connors, "the building will be a symbol of the community's commitment to always honor our veterans and its the perfect gift to give back to them"."Its our way of saying 'Thank You' to our veterans, past, present, and future and its a great day for Weatherly, the community is excited about it".Mayor Connors continued by saying that " American Legion Post 360, they're fantastic and they are looking forward to moving into their new building, so its a great day".The building itself is expected to be up this week with the construction being funded by a combination of grant money from Rep. Keith McCall, donations, and money from the Legion itself, and from the borough.When the building is erected and the outside is done, volunteers will be invited to help out with installing the interior, making it a community project with everybody working together.The goal is to hopefully be in by Christmas and to have a Christmas Tree inside for them.It was also noted that the building will eventually be made available to other groups in the community for use as a meeting hall.The new Weatherly American Legion Post 360 will be located on newly named Veterans Lane, just off of Plane Street, and its address will be 360 Veterans Lane, the same number as the Post number.Also, the original flagpole from their former post location will be installed at the new post.

The groundbreaking for the new home of Weatherly American Legion Post 360 took place under sunny skies on Monday and was attended by, from left to right : Roosevelt Acker, Judge Advocate; Ray Kochin, Vice Commander; Ted Bretsky, Chaplain; Thomas Keener, Commander; Earl Drasher, Sgt. at Arms; Dan Shields, Past Commander; Chris Keller, Post Adjutant; Clint Kunkle, Finance Officer; Bruce Doney, Assistant Sgt. at Arms; and Weatherly Mayor Tom Connors.