Published October 27. 2009 05:00PM
Around 8:30 p.m. Monday, Lansford emergency crews were called to the intersections of West Patterson Street and Center Street for reported complaints of a very strong fuel-like odor.
While investigating that intersection, other Lansford residents reported the same strong fuel-like smell at different locations located throughout the west side of Lansford. Lansford and Carbon County EMA also responded and helped with the investigation.Firefighters opened man-hole covers and went from street to street looking in street drains throughout the west side. Firefighters also opened and flushed fire hydrants in hopes this would resolve the issue. Although the origin of the smell remains a mystery, the majority of the strong fuel-like smell appeared to go away after the hydrants were flushed for a few hours. Lansford Fire Police directed traffic around the investigation sites for the three hour incident.
ANDREW LEIBENGUTH/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS Lansford junior firefighter Cale Staruch inspects a street drain for a smell or sign of fuel.