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Weatherly, Lehigh Twp. have contested races in Carbon

Only two of seven municipalities in Northern Carbon County will have contested races on Tuesday, Nov. 3, when Carbon County holds its General Election. Voting will take place from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. in each of the county's 51 election districts.

Weatherly Borough and Lehigh Township have the distinction of having ballot contests, the one in Weatherly featuring seven candidates aspiring to four four-year terms on the borough council, and Lehigh Township's race being a two-person run for supervisor. There are no contests in Banks, Lausanne and Packer townships, Beaver Meadows or East Side boroughs, nor the Weatherly School Board. Likewise, Magisterial District Judge Joseph D. Homanko Sr. of Beaver Meadows is running for re-election to a six-year term of office and is unopposed. The district includes the northern tier municipalities of the county.Weatherly BoroughThree Democrats and four Republicans are running for the council seats. The Democrats are Robert R. Chippi, Timothy J. Williams and Jeffrey L. Barnes. On the GOP side are Joseph E. D'Andrea, Norman B. Richie, Harold Chipper Farrow and Cecelia Cece Gower.Tax Collector Sandra E. Eroh is running for re-election to another four-year term of office. She won both nominations in May and will appear on both ballots.Richard C. Giordano, a Democrat, is running unopposed for the six-year term as constable.In District 58, East, Democrat Mildred Selert is running for judge of elections and is unopposed. The inspector of elections race has Democrat Theresa I. D'Andrea and Republican Virginia L. Houser seeking the post.In District 61, West, no one is running for judge of elections, while Republican Ruth Sabol is unopposed in pursuit of the inspector of elections post.Lehigh TownshipThe Lehigh Township race is between Barbara A. Tissier, a Democrat, and Larry Skinner, a Republican, for supervisor.Tax Collector Teresa M. Barna, a Republican, is running for re-election to a four-year term. She was unopposed on the GOP ballot and also won the Democratic nomination in May.No one is running for three other positions in the township, these being the six-year and four-year terms as auditor and the six-year term as constable.Skinner is running for judge of elections and is unopposed, while Tissier is running for inspector of elections and is challenged by Republican Sharlene Strauss.Banks TownshipThere are no contests in Banks Township this time around. Tax Collector Irene Makowiec and Supervisor Rick Porpiglia, both Democrats are running for re-election to their respective posts, which are for four and six years.Also unchallenged are Democrats Geraldine W. Gelatko, seeking a six-year term as auditor; Bruce Knepper, running for a six-year term as constable; Joseph R. Clark, aspiring to the judge of elections position; and Gloria Dercole, seeking the inspector of elections job.Lausanne TownshipIncumbent Democrats Carol Tulay and John A. Halechko III are running unopposed in Lausanne. Tulay is seeking re-election to a four-year term as tax collector and Halechko is seeking return to a six-year term on the board of supervisors.No one is running for the six-year term as auditor, four-year term as auditor or the six-year term as constable.Democrat Mary Romanek is running for judge of elections and for inspector of elections, there is a race between Democrat Dolores M. Surochak and Republican Helen E. Vishnesky.Beaver Meadows BoroughThere are no contested races in Beaver Meadows Borough. Mayor William E. Hines, a Democrat, is running unopposed for re-election to a four-year term of office, as is Tax Collector E. Kathleen Moro, also a Democrat.For borough council, there are four four-year terms up for grabs, but there are only two candidates, incumbents Jeffrey S. Bobish, a Democrat, and Mary A. Rayno, a Republican.No one is running for the six-year term as auditor or the two-year term as auditor.Incumbent Constable Joseph R. Sando, a Democrat, is running for re-election to a six-year term of office and is unopposed.No one is running for the judge of elections positions, while for inspector of elections, the candidates are Democrat Annette M. Rusnock and Republican Marie Toth.Packer TownshipLike Lausanne, Packer Township has no contested races either.Republican Tax Collector Joan L. Hinkle is running for re-election to a four-year term and is unopposed. Supervisor William E. Swinesburg, also a Republican, is unchallenged for re-election to a six-year term as supervisor.No one is running for three terms as auditors two, four and six years while Republican William T. Wilkinson is seeking the six-year term as constable and is unopposed.For judge of elections, Republican John J. Walters Jr. is seeking the post and is unopposed. Likewise, GOP member Eleanor M. Walters is unopposed for the inspector of elections position.East Side BoroughThe ballot in East Side Borough has no contested races either. No one is seeking the four-year term of mayor, while for council, there are three four-year terms available, with only three candidates on the ballot. They include Democrats Sharon Mrozinski and Elizabeth Berger and Republican Helen Jones.No one is running for the two-year term on council, nor the two-year term as assessor or the six-year term as constable.For judge of elections, Democrat Mrozinski is running unopposed, whereas Republican Jones is the lone candidate for inspector of elections.Weatherly Area School BoardThe race for seats on the Weatherly Area School District Board of Education is apparently settled too. There are four four-year terms up for grabs.On the Democratic side are Corey Gerhard, Joanne N. Dougherty and John Toft Jr. The trio appears on the GOP ballot as well, and are joined by Bonita Barbush.Voters in Lausanne, Lehigh and Packer townships and East Side and Weatherly boroughs vote for school district representatives, as do voters in Kidder Township North.Hazleton Area School BoardVoters in Banks Township and Beaver Meadows Borough will participate in the balloting for seats on the Hazleton Area School District Board of Education. There are no contests in that race since there are four four-year seats up for grabs and four candidates appearing on both ballots. Cross-filed on both the Democratic and Republican ballots are Bob Mehalick, Clarence H. John, Carmella Yenkevich and Steven Hahn.

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