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McAdoo teen has sentencing in fatal crash case deferred

A 17-year-old McAdoo youth, who was involved in a one car collision which killed two teenagers and injured five last September, appeared in Juvenile Court in Schuylkill County on Monday for sentencing, however, Judge Jacqueline Russell deferred sentencing for 90 days and ordered Joseph Puglio to be evaluated by professionals to aid the judge in imposing a sentence.

Puglio was sent to Alternate Rehabitation Communities, located in York. He has been charged with two counts each of involuntary manslaughter and homicide by vehicle and five counts each of aggravated assault, simple assault and recklessly endangering another person plus summary charges of reckless driving, careless drivng, failing to drive on roadway laned for traffic and failing to wear a seat belt.The accident happened on a narrow and winding road in Bevear Township, Columbia County. The vehicle was reported traveling near 100 miles per hour and failed to negotiate a curve and crashed into a cement garage building.