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"Jeepers, creepers,

where'd you get those peepers?Jeepers, creepers,where'd you get those eyes?"Ever get a silly song in your head and it won't go away? It can drive you nuts. There it goes again"Jeepers creepers,where's you get those peepers?Jeepers, creepers,where'd you get those eyes?"It's absolutely driving me nuts. Over and over and over again, through one ear and out the other.I know who's to blame for this, the plight that has me not being able to concentrate fully on what I should be doing. Instead it's "Jeepers, creepers" sloshing around in my head. Okay, you get the drift.The little bundle of energy who came into our world only eight weeks ago is the culprit. Blame it on Sean James Urban, my first grandson.Whenever I get to hold him and he starts crying, I start singing the "Jeepers Creepers" song to him. And some times it actually works. He stops crying, and I even detect a slight two-month-old smile. But more often than not it only makes him crank more. I'm blaming my less than spectacular singing voice on his infant temper tantrums, rather than my choice of songs.And speaking about my choice of songs, I guess I got the idea for "Jeepers creepers" from looking into his bright blue eyes, those same orbs that don't seem to miss a trick no matter who's holding him."Jeepers Creepers" is a real song, not just something I made up on the spur of the moment. It first came into vogue in a pre-1950s movie called "Going Places". It was revised in August of 2001, in, of all things, a horror movie by the same name.The horror film chronicles a day in the life of siblings, Trish and her brother Darryl coming home from college. As they drive through the North Florida countryside, a mysterious driver in a rusty 1941 Chevrolet van tries to run them off the road. After letting the vehicle pass them, they see the same driver tossing what looks to be bodies, wrapped in blood-stained sheets, into a large pipeline sticking out of the ground adjacent to an abandoned church.After the driver tries to run them off the road a second time, Darryl insists they go back and investigate. That's when the plot thickens. You'll have to rent the CD to see what transpires next.There you go, Sean. Of all the beautiful lullabies in the world I could have selected to sing to you, I chose the theme song to a horror movie. No "Rock-a-bye Baby" for this Poppy. You're stuck with an ax murderer's theme song.Don't try to figure your grandfather out. You'll have plenty of time to do that as we grow older together.I know the television big-whigs were hoping for a Dodgers-Yankees World Series. But Phillies-Yankees is as good as it gets in this neck of the woods. And speaking of the Phillies. Who would have ever guessed that they would outscore the Eagles 11-9 in last Sunday's games?What exactly has Michael Vick done to improve the Eagles so far? I'm getting the impression Philadelphia wasted a couple million dollars on this gamble.Happy 13th birthday to FOX News. It has grown from 15 million to 90 million subscribers during that period. The reason for it's success? It gets things right a lot more often than the other all-news stations.Let's get back to baseball for a minute. And how long has the season gotten? Consider this. On October 13, 1960 Bill Mazeroski hit a leadoff home run in the last of the ninth inning to give Pittsburgh a 7-game World Series victory over the Yankees. Remember the date - October 13. This year's World Series doesn't even begin until Wednesday, Oct. 28. If it goes seven games, they'll still be playing on Nov. 5, even if there aren't any rain or snow delays. It's too long a season. It's time to go back from the 162-game to the 154-game regular season. But don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.You probably never heard of a guy named Kyle Garnett. I hadn't either until I read about him recently. He puts most of us to shame. Garnett recently competed in an Ironman Triathlon in Hawaii. No big deal. Thousands of athletes participate in these meets throughout the year. But most don't come with the resume that Kyle brings to the table.Try this on for size. He has been diagnosed with Cancer four times. He had a bone marrow transplant. He had hip and shoulder replacement surgery. Add to that a heart transplant (yep!)Now, what's your excuse for not exercising?