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Lehighton High School Class of 1964 reunites

Lehighton High School Class of 1964 held its 45-year reunion on Oct. 10 at the Lehighton American Legion. Those attending included, front row from left, Elaine (Green) Lucia, Delores Smith, Derue (Stuckley) Kistler, Carol (Leyer) Behler, Linda Andrews, Marcia (Bodnar) Jones, Annabelle (Nace) Werner, Noreen (Hill) Larkens and Candace Kistler. Second row, Kathryn Moyer, Geraldine (Everett) Milkowich, Audrey (Christman) Cebrosky), Delores Serfass, Sandra (Hill) Gemmel, Carole (Frey) Lipics, Cynthia Eckman, Dianne (Getz) Wehr, Carol (Hall) Mangold, Susie (Walck) Green, Carol (Dotter) Johnson and Sharon (Kemmerer) Lobien. Third row Monica (Mriss) Hosier, Barbara (Bubick) Haydt, Phyllis (Cunfer) Davidson, Christina (Fetterolf) MacKeith, Rita (Trimmel) Thompson, Larue (Miller) Fink, Alice (Steigerwalt) Gerhard, Susan (Shellhamer) Stenzel, Sandra (Knauss) Edwish, Mary Ellen (Hettler) Schoenberger, Joan (Trimmel) Troutman, Geraldine (Scherer) Dorshimer, Sharon (Bierman) Mikulski and Maxine (German) Gantz. Fourth row, James Roper, James Walp, Kathryn Ritter, Karin (Hoffner) Bock, Maria (Karam) Gerhard, Gary Wehr, Edward Arner, Kent Lobien, Robert Smith and Joseph Lenahan. Fifth row, Richard Getz, Robert Maholick, Glenn Troutman, Richard Swatt, Steven Holland, Lester Miller, Gery Clay, Russell Frank, James Remaley, Dennis Walk, David Werner and Lawrence Schlittler. Also attending the reunion was Kris Snyder.