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Eagle Rock Resorts receives extension for expansion plans

Eagle Rock Resorts Company, of Hazleton, received a 90 day extension from the Schuylkill County Planning Commission for its three phase project in its Western Summit South subdivision in East Union and North Union townships.

For its subdivision known as Western Summit South, Phase Five, it is seeking to establish 145 lots for multi-family residential in Eagle Rock Resorts, East Union Township. For the subdivision known as Western Summit South, Phase Six, it is seeking to establish 45 lots for multi-family residential in Eagle Rock Resorts, East Union Township and for its subdivision known as Western Summit South, Phase Seven, Eagle Rock Resorts, East Union and North Union Townships, it seeks to develop 76 lots for multi family residentials.Other actionsAt a recent meeting in the courthouse in Pottsville the commission approved two subdivisions, Robert G. Tiley, Barry Township, to divide 31.2 acres into two lots for single family homes and Henry E. Dinger Estate, Porter Township, for a single family home on 39.95 acres.The commission reviewed a number of projects for which licenses are sought and had no comment. The County of Schuylkill has made an application to the Department of Environmental Protection for a permit to construct a pre-release center in Ryan Township and Blue Mountain School District has applied for a permit from DEP for wastewater treatment facility at the high school in North Manheim Township.It reviewed the proposed adoption of amendment to the West Penn Township Zoning Ordinance which seeks to establish wind energy systems as an accessory use and sets certain standards for such systems and the board had no comment.It reviewed the Northern Alliance grant application to the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Rural Development for a revolving loan fund project in the rural areas of Carbon, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Pike, Schuylkill and Wayne counties. The project will provide low interest loans to businesses in rural communities of Northeastern Pennsylvania. The board had no comment.