Published June 03. 2017 09:02AM
Dear Editor,
In regard to the number of council members on council in Coaldale Borough: If below 3,000 residents, the number of council members can be reduced from seven to five.The Court of Common Pleas may, upon petition of at least 5 percent of the registered electors of any borough, which, according to the latest official census, the sufficiency of the number of signers to any such petition shall be ascertained as of the date when the petition is presented to court.By reducing the number from seven to five, there would be a savings of $900 per year, per council member. For the two members, it would be a savings of $1,800 per year. In the long run, Coaldale taxpayers would save $9,000 for one council member in 10 years, or $18,000 for two council members. The money saved could go to other borough expenses.Just my thoughts. Robert Benek Lansford