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JTHS Class of 1967 hosts 45-year reunion

Members of the Jim Thorpe High School Class of 1967 held their 45-year reunion recently at the Beaver Run Rod & Gun Club. Present for the get together were, front row, from left, Jean (Milan) Scott, Mary (Duffy) Andrew, Kay (Izzo) Henritzy, Laure (McHugh) Schnaufer, Sharon (Channing) Hartwig, Cheryl (Smith) Popek and Donna (Shuck) Kattner. Middle row, George Pry, Judy (Witt) Grenoble, Clint Eckley, Irene (McGavin) Gavornik and Jim Bennick. Back row, Dean Zacharias, Ted Popek, Tom Lager, Bob Gavornik, Sterling Knappenberger, Dee (Herman) Miller, Ellen (Fisher) Selmasska, Bob Trout, Jack Figura, Rich Armbruster and Paul Skrimcovsky.