Published October 17. 2009 09:00AM
Dear Ediitor:
Nothing personal here, and maybe it is just me, but I am really concerned about the arbitrary management policies of Chief Mattson of the Tamaqua Police Department.The Tamaqua Borough Council, which I presume with thought, discussion, and a majority vote, passes a law that says it is illegal to park in the borough unless the right passenger wheel is to the curb.The Mayor then directs the police department to enforce the law. Nothing is done.Why is this? A command decision without the authority to do so?If the public, the chief of police, the borough council do not like this law…Then change it. In the meantime, Lehigh Street, Union Street, Market Street, and N. Elizabeth Street just thumb their noses and do whatever they like.The borough coffers could use the income from the fines.William J. KubilusTamaqua