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Jim Thorpe Idol down to final round

With the fact that some of the vehicles in the high school parking lot were coated with a layer of fresh wet snow as were large areas of the Jim Thorpe Area School District, the theme of last night's round of Jim Thorpe Idol 2009 competition, which was "Christmas in October", seemed like a very appropriate one to have.

This fifth and next to last round of the competition saw the elimination of two more contestants bringing the number of still active competitors down to seven.Gone from last night's round were contestant No. 7-Nicole Reinart, and contestant No. 23- Lucky, both of whom still had the opportunity to perform one last number for the audience.In keeping with the Christmas theme, Nicole sang "Rockin' around the Christmas tree" and Lucky performed the song "Angels among us".Unlike the previous rounds of the contest which were all held on Thursday evenings, the final round of the competition will be held on Saturday evening, Oct. 24th at 7:30 p.m.The field of hopefuls in this final round will have been cut to five contestants, all hoping to take home the title of Jim Thorpe Idol 2009.Once again, in addition to the title of Jim Thorpe Idol, the eventual lucky winner will receive a trophy, a $250 prize that goes with it, and the opportunity to perform in a 30 second television commercial produced by VIAMEDIA, a Lehigh Valley based Cable Television Advertising Agency, under the assistance of Angela Nardini and the Producers at Icarus Communications in Bethlehem.The Jim Thorpe Idol commercial will be aired during a five week run beginning on Monday, Nov. 23rd until Sunday, Dec. 27th, and will be seen on 11 cable network channels on Blue Ridge Communications in the Carbon County area.So, stop by the JTAHS auditorium on Saturday October 24th at 7:30 pm for the exciting conclusion to, and the much anticipated selection of Jim Thorpe Idol 2009.

Contestant No. 13-Kellee Jo Kleintop, who sang "Winter Wonderland", awaits the judges' comments at last night's Jim Thorpe Idol competition.