Published October 14. 2009 05:00PM
The Lehighton Boro Annex Building on North 3rd Street was the scene of "Family Fun Night" last week where children and their parents enjoyed an evening of both fun and education.
The event was a partnership event between the Pathstone Carbon County Head Start for preschoolers and the Anthracite Heritage Alliance which is an organization that was spun out of the Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor.The theme of the event, which was "Science and Water", was reflected in the numerous activities available for those attending.They ranged from a video, story telling, tie-dying shirts, and more and even included live animals brought to the event by Jeannie Carl, a Naturalist at the Carbon County Environmental Education Center (CCEEC).There was "Linear" the snake, a harmless Ribbon Snake; a 41-year-old Eastern Box Turtle named "Dent"; and a furry critter named "Awesome Opossum".Among some of the interesting facts that Jeannie told the kids about the animals was that Linear the snake and other reptiles keep growing for their entire lives; boy turtles have brown eyes while girl turtles have yellow eyes and in captivity they can live up to 100 years.Also,while Opossum litters average about 12 babies, they can have as many as 18 or 19 in a litter.All of these critters and other animals are at the environmental center for visitors to see when they stop by.In keeping with the evening's theme of Science and Water, Dale Freudenberger, Coordinator for the Anthracite Heritage Alliance was present to distribute information as was Duane Dellecker, Director of Carbon County Recycling who was present to inform people about recycling in the county.Also present was Dorian Roffe-Hammond, an Americorps VISTA Volunteer who helped coordinate the event.
VICTOR IZZO/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS Jeannie Carl, a Naturalist at the Carbon County Environmental Education Center (CCEEC) speaks to the gathered children about "Dent", a 41 year old Eastern Box Turtle during "Family Fun Night" last Thursday evening in Lehighton.